Well, for the past 6 months I have been going through a LOT of deliverance.

Deliverance- rescue: recovery or preservation from loss or danger

There’s so many things in my life that have been keeping me from going deeper with Christ, from encountering the Holy Spirit more, from resting on God’s promises for my life.

It started back in December. Before December, for the past, gahhh, atleast two years of my life I had been completely ignoring God’s spirit that was trying to work in me. I was at a point where I said, there’s a time for what God wants me to be doing and that time is not now. I never cracked open my Bible and I rarely talked to my God. I might have thanked Him here and there but never expressed any kind of need for Him. I knew what I was gonna be doin that weekend comin up and I knew He wasn’t gonna like it so I covered my ears, closed my heart, and acted like he couldn’t see me.

I reached a breaking point, where I opened my eyes, focused on the jail cell bars that I was trapped behind and thought, “how in the world am I going to get out of this mess I‘ve created.” I was at a place where I felt like I had gone too far from God. I felt like I needed to retrace all my steps back to where I first rejected His spirit, and at that place, and only that place, was where he would pick me up and call me His child. So for close to 10 months, I half prayed to God to break my heart because I knew it was what I needed but I was scared of what it would look like and what it would lead to, and I pleaded for a group of friends to be examples in my life.

I bet you can guess which prayer was answered first. At the beginning of school, 6 months later, God blessed with me the friends I needed, that He picked! It wasn’t until the end of December that I finally gave up and said, “here i am, please i have no clue where my life is going, i have no clue what’s best for me, I am USELESS without you!” God finally broke a heart of stone and replaced it with a clean, strong, LIVING, heart.

Two months after that, God threw this mission trip called The World Race in my lap…. and now i’m leaving the states for 11 months to completely rely on God for my support, my health, my guidance, my breath, my clothes, my food, my everything. I have been comforted my whole life and now It’s time to take the abundance of everything God’s given me, joy, peace, comfort, patience, whatever! and direct that abundance into the lives of the people God will place in front of me.

This blog was meant for something entirely different, but everything I just wrote came out! haha. I’ve been delivered from a stagnant life, from a heart of stone, from a life of shame, from my pride, from my worries, from so many things. My God is holding me by the hand and I’m just walkin wherever He’s takin me. Psalm 37:23,24. Even though I go through persecution or any kind of trouble, I don’t lose heart because I stand firm on the truth that it doesn’t compare to what God has in store for me and the trials and tribulation give me hope! 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Romans 5:1-5.

Before this gets too too long I’m gonna go ahead and cut it off with this.

No matter where you are, what you’ve done, what you haven’t done, God is waiting. Stop dead in your tracks and cry out! 

Romans 8:15 “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”