Hola (oh-lah) or in English, Heeeeeeeeeey!!!


San Jose, Costa Rica!! January 23rd thru April 22nd!! Costa Rica is located in Central America, right between the Pacific Ocean & Caribbean Sea. It’s a very tourist-y location known for it’s beautiful national parks, thrilling activities like zip lining and cave tubing and home to sea turtles and sloths! It was also created for diving fanatics considering it’s immense biodiversity. Spanish is the main language spoke here. Some popular dishes include gallo pinto (mix of rice and beans), olla de carne (vegetable beef soup) and casado (meal with rice, black beans, plantains, salad, a tortilla and a meat option). The majority of Costa Rica’s population are of Christian denomination with 71% following Roman Catholic and 12% following Evangelical and Pentecostal. There is great poverty in this country leaving 1 child in 4 lives below the poverty line. Child trafficking, labour and violence against children are also very common. Here, we will be evangelizing to the people of Costa, serving in kids ministry and completing work projects. 

Costa Rica is exactly where God wants to meet me and I am more than blessed for the opportunity to love on kids and make people feel known, heard and wanted. I also have the chance to pick up on some spanish. Mark my word, I will be fluent by the time I come home in April! 🙂

Prayers over Costa Rica include a true understanding of God’s love for oneself and for purpose to flourish. I also pray that no kid is left behind, that the Lord guides and touches families in poverty in a way like never before and that full dependency is shifted upon Him. 


Love always,

<3 P