To all the remarkable people in my life.
You and I share this planet together, and soon I’ll be racing it…Yes, indeed you read that correctly… Racing.
In just a few weeks I will embark upon a remarkable journey, ministering NOT to 1, not 2, but 11 nations in 11 months. #11in11.
It all begins in October and ends August.
I have the amazing privilege to serve along side a stellar organization called World Race that has reached and impacted nations for years with the love and hope of Christ! We’ll be responding to immediate palpable needs of hurting people and sharing His word to anyone and everyone along the way!
Also, throughout this time I’ll be posting a blog so you can travel along with me.
I would love for you to be a part of this mission. This whole adventure costs about $20,000. My family has already sacrificed $5000 and I intend to raise the rest through moments like this. Would you prayerfully consider seeding into this mission?
To learn more about this journey and how you can help with your tax-deductible gift, please click the link below!
Thank you all so much and God bless!