Well, it’s official…we are half way done the World Race AND…


We are praising God so much right now – we’re just so in awe of his provision and how blessed we are to be on this journey. We know that this is exactly where God wants us, and we feel that He’s got big plans for us in Africa. 

To our supporters… we love you so much! You have blown us away with your support, generosity and encouragement. Raising $28,600 seemed completely unfathomable only a year ago (when we started fundraising). Our faith has grown so much throughout this whole process and we would not be here if it weren’t for YOU. 

So far, your generous donations have helped us to:

         Serve lunch to Mayan women and children who walked for hours to receive a nutritious meal

         Build a rock wall to protect the property of a children’s charity during rainy season

         Minister to teenagers who had been rescued from the streets of Honduras

         Build a house for a widow

         Play soccer with Nicaraguan children and dance through the streets hand-in-hand as we talked about their biggest dreams and aspirations

         Help with property maintenance at an orphanage for children of the Lahu tribe in Thailand

         Teach English and bible classes to rooms full of Cambodian children who had a deep hunger for education

         Lead devotions for high school students

         Worship and pray with people from many nations

         Run a Vacation Bible Camp for international kids living in Vietnam

Your donations are making a difference in lives around the world. We’ve seen a lot of poverty and devastation, but we’ve also seen so much joy. The beautiful smiles that are formed when we talk or sing about Jesus make everything worth it.  Thank you for enabling us to invest in people and expand the Kingdom!