I am beyond excited for the opportunity we’ve been given to travel the world and share God’s love.  This is truly a dream come true and I’d love for YOU to share in the journey.

So, why are you taking off again?

     Paul and I have known about the World Race for over a year now.  When we were in high school we did some mission work with our church youth group in Guatemala and it opened my eyes to the poverty of so many in this world.  Missions have been on my heart ever since.  Last year, we lived in France for 5 months and while visiting a nearby city called Lille our hearts were broken for the children begging for money on the streets.  It caught us off guard to see such disparity in a wealthy European town and that is when God laid the World Race on our hearts again. 
     We’ve been back in Canada for just over a year while I finished up school and Paul worked on his apprenticeship.  As we considered the future and prayed about what God has next for us, we were reminded of the World Race. We had always thought that it would be an incredible opportunity but could never fathom the financial aspect.  God is teaching us to follow his path for our lives instead of our own.  We believe he wants us to rely on him more than ever before and trust that he has bigger plans for our lives.

So, what are some of your expectations?

I want to show love in a practical way. I want to give hugs, get my hands dirty, teach others and create visible change in the communities we visit.

I expect to be taken out of my comfort zone with the things I see, hear and taste. I expect to sleep in uncomfortable places and shower much less than I would like.

I hope to grow in my relationship with God and build a strong foundation for the rest of our lives. I will depend on him more than I ever have before and he will shape me into the woman he desires.

I want to live in community and make radical friendships with people who will be honest, loving and so much fun.

I am following my passion and answering God’s call and I can’t wait to make a difference in someone's life.

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.