Asia is amazing. From the moment we landed in the Seoul, South Korea airport I knew that my preconceptions of Asian culture would be proven wrong. I don’t know why, but I’ve never had a very positive view of it. The world race is showing me that God has created beautiful things the whole world ’round and that his creations are an expression of his love for us and of his mighty power.

Thailand is mysterious and intriguing. I love the bizarre foods (cauliflower in soy sauce with “boring rice” for breakfast, fish ball soup, magnolia stems), the adventure of learning how to use a squatty potty (take one leg out? perfect angle? where’s the toilet paper? how do you flush?), the amazing fashion for a great price, the market night life, the polite and courteous people, and the beauty (paper lanterns, foreign flowers, intricate architecture).

Our job here has been to help around the property and play with the children. We’ve spent hours working in the vegetable garden, taught English and played many games of soccer and tag. I’m so happy that our journey has brought us to this place; I pray that we will serve these people well and bring God’s light and love wherever we go.
And now, for some fun facts about Thailand:
– 7/11’s are EVERYWHERE and they are much nicer than in Canada
– We are constantly dividing by 30 because the exchange rate is $1USD to 31 Baht
– Jungle cats and wild boars live in the jungle nearby
– They drive on the left hand side of the road
– You can walk down the street and pick a fresh banana right off the tree
– A premium ice cream cone is only 75 cents!
– You must take your shoes off and put on “bathroom slippers” to enter certain public restrooms
– The shower room is also the toilet room; there is no bathtub or shower curtain, and everything gets wet
– Beauty surrounds every turn in the road: little rivers and valleys look like the perfect image for a screensaver
Well, I think that’s all for now. Thanks for reading!
Sending our love from Thailand,
Katrina & Paul