There are 8 days until Christmas and I have no snow outside my window, or stocking hung over a fireplace, or cookies baking in the oven. When I look outside I see palm trees, beautiful flowers and a volcano. It’s 32°C every day, we take cold showers and eat lots of rice and delicious beans. I am in Nicaragua: the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. 


            This month we’re volunteering with “Vision Nicaragua”. It’s an amazing organization that was started after Hurricane Mitch (1998) devastated the area. They helped to reconstruct an entire community and named it Bethel. Hundreds of people live there today and they have a small school, church and soccer field in the centre of an incredible village. They are very poor and have very little but they are some of the most welcoming and genuine people I have ever met. 
            Today, “Vision Nicaragua” works in the same community and continues to build into the lives of the people there. We’ve had the privilege of visiting their homes, attending community events (two graduations and a baptism), playing soccer, picking up garbage and hosting a youth weekend. We also have plans to build a new home for a widow and her daughter and reconstruct a roof for the lady who cooks our food.

            Our Christmas wish is to be able to do this all year long. We’re committed to traveling to 8 more countries to share God’s love with people around the world. We want to be His hands and feet in Asia and Africa, but we can’t go without your help. We still need $7000 to remain on the mission field until next September. 

            We ask that you will please share this need with your friends and family this holiday season. If you or someone you know are looking for a unique opportunity to make a difference consider this YOUR opportunity. We need people to partner with us – we invite you to join our journey. We are praying that whoever reads this will help; if you haven’t given yet – please do, if you have – please consider giving more. 

            Thank you for all of your encouraging words, blog comments and prayers. It means so much to know that people care about us and the adventure we are on. It’s definitely sad to be away from home for Christmas so know that your love and prayers are very much appreciated throughout this season. 

Much love, and many blessings,

Katrina and Paul