So, the World Race has officially begun and we are currently staying in Antigua, Guatemala for “Launch” – basically just a few days of additional training and worship before starting ministry. It’s been so incredible to return to Guatemala. This is one of my favourite places in the whole world and my heart is just so unbelievably happy and at peace. 

It’s really awesome for our entire squad to be together again (that’s our large group of 50 people). They are such an amazing group of loving, caring and encouraging individuals and let me tell you – we know how to party! 

Tonight during worship we sang these lyrics:

There’s No Place I’d rather be
There’s No Place I’d rather be
There’s No place I’d rather be
Than Here in your Love, Here in your love
 Set a Fire Down in my Soul
That I can’t contain, that I can’t control
I want more of you God, I want more of you God

Honestly…so perfect! I can’t imagine Paul and I being anywhere else right now. No matter how difficult leaving everything behind back home was I know that this year will be worth it. We’re going to grow so much closer to our heavenly father and develop a passion for Him that we can’t contain. We’re going to develop strong relationships with our team mates and the people we meet around the world. And we’re going to share God’s love with everyone we meet.  My prayer tonight is that God will show me how to love like He does.

 <– First breakfast in Antigua @ Fernando’s (best coffee in the whole world!) with Brittney and Andrew

<– First grocery shopping experience with the finance leaders (market for fruits, bakery for muffins, grocery store for juice all for $1.40/person/meal)

Thank you for reading our blog and following us on this journey! May God sincerely bless you wherever you are right now, because the most important place to be is in His love.