Tonight I felt God use me in the life of a young man and tonight I felt a boldness that I’ve never really felt before. Usually it’s hard for me to distinguish God’s voice but tonight I heard it very clearly. 

Our 3 teams drove into Chichigalpa for a girls’ soccer game; it took place in a local park which also had a popular playground. All of us were just hanging out and playing around before the match began so I walked over to the swing set to try and strike up a conversation. I haven’t been very confident with my Spanish on this trip because I don’t feel like it’s really improving and I still have trouble understanding people sometimes. I desperately desire to have real conversations and make connections with people and I’m trying to make the most every opportunity. 

I was talking to the little girl on the swing next to me for a little while and there was a boy next to her who was listening to our conversation. I told her that I was here with a group of missionaries and we were travelling around the world to talk about Jesus and share his love. She told me about her church and all the programs that she goes to there and the friends that she has. She left after only a few minutes but then the boy and I started talking. His name was Brian.

He told me all about Nicaragua – their festivals, popular dishes and drinks, the architecture, the culture, the people, local dances and popular legends and mythology. He loved to tell legends and myths! I said that I knew one popular Mayan myth – a creation story of how the earth was formed on the back of a turtle shell. He was excited and said he knew that story too. Then I asked if he knew the true creation story and he said, “Yes of course, I have a bible”. He proceeded to tell me what happened on each of the 7 days of creation. I was amazed at how well he knew the story and at how incredibly smart this 12 year old boy was. He told me he graduated elementary school at the top of the class and was eager to talk about his future plans and aspirations to go to university. 

I asked if I could take a picture of us so that I could remember him and pray for his life and I asked if he had any prayer requests. He looked at me with sad eyes and said, “Yes, for my illnesses.” There was no indication that he was sick or hurting but he said there were 3 things in particular. He has scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and his family cannot afford to pay for a back brace. He has a muscle condition and one side of his body is taller than the other so he has difficulties balancing. He told me that he is in constant pain because of his back and doesn’t have many friends at school because they make fun of him.

Brian is an incredible young man; he is so smart and has immense faith. He constantly referenced scripture and did not feel sorry for himself. His 5 year old sister (Gabriella) was running around the park as we talked and his love for her was so big. I prayed for Brian before I left and I will continue to do so. I know that God has great plans for him and I hope that his pain and heartache will subside. 

I didn’t make it to watch the soccer game, but I was so excited about the opportunity God gave me that it didn’t matter. God had a simple plan for me tonight – to befriend a boy at the swing set; all I had to do was listen for His voice and be confident in my response.