Time I saw God move
PaulWe went to an old folk’s home one day and saw God heal several people emotionally and physically.
KatrinaWe had the opportunity to go to a really great Christian concert at a giant church in the city. I loved the music and the message but what was awesome was seeing the response of the Honduran youth and being able to pray for them. 



Best thing I ate
Paul – On our date day we went to a delicious French bakery/bistro. I enjoyed an authentic spinach and feta croissant which I loved.
Katrina – My favourite meal was scrambled eggs with tomatoes and peppers, refried beans, fried plantains and tortillas served with sour cream. It was the perfect combination and oh so delicious! “Baleadas” were pretty good too; flour tortillas folded with refried beans and sour cream.

Who we’re going to miss the most
PaulAriel – His quiet and calm personality will be missed; his smiles could light up a room!
Katrina ­– Nicole – we didn’t know each other really well, but the relationship we began to establish was special and I will miss her hugs.


Something I learned
PaulTo go with the flow. On the World Race nothing is in your control; you have to be patient and flexible at all times.
Katrina ­– “The world’s culture”. We experienced a lot of “hurry up, and wait” this month. Ash created the equation “the time + one hour + or – 15 minutes” and it was incredibly accurate from day one! It was challenging to place our entire schedule in someone else’s hands and to sometimes feel that we weren’t using our time effectively. However, in the midst of a discussion with a fellow world racer (shout out to Zeb) he said “that’s the world’s culture” – North America is actually in the minority for following a strict schedule and being places on time; it changed my perspective of what’s right and what’s wrong.

Most challenging moment
PaulOne day we went evangelizing with one of the pastors and I realized that going door to door was more difficult than I thought it would be. It pulled me out of my comfort zone but I also learned a lot from the experience.
KatrinaOne day we visited an old folk’s home in the centre of the city which housed approximately 40 seniors who had basically been abandoned by their families. It was precious to be able to spend time with them but heartbreaking to hear their stories and see their sadness. One old man said, “I’ve been a lot of places in my life but I never imagined this is where I would spend my last days on earth”. 

Most fun moment
Paul Riding in the back of a truck with Ben and Brandon going 100km/h down the road in Tegucigalpa.
Katrina– So many moments just spent interacting with the squad. This was the first time in World Race history that an entire squad has stayed together for the month. It was nice to always have someone around and to get to know people better. I also really enjoyed our girl’s night at the mall – Stacy organized an evening of “speed dating” at TGIFridays which prompted wonderful conversations and consumption of the absolute best pasta I’ve ate since home.

Most rewarding moment
Paul For our last night at Zion’s Gate we (as a group) laid hands on and prayed for each of the children staying there. It was awesome to see the kids pray for each other and say I love you to one another.
Katrina– The day we abandoned our plans for God’s and ended up praying for a woman outside of a hospital. I prayed hard, I worshipped hard and I felt God’s presence in that place.

Most beautiful site
PaulWhen we went for a blindfolded night hike through the forest and ended up overlooking the city at night and seeing all the lights on the hills of “Tegus” lit up.
Katrina– Going to a national park and looking out over Tegucigalpa from the base of a giant Jesus statue; it looked a lot like Rio de Janeiro!