We’re sorry this blog is so late being posted, but we hope you enjoy reading our highlights from Nicaragua – one of our most memorable countries yet!

Funniest moment
KatrinaThe very first night when we arrived in Chinendega, Mario picked us up in his sweet truck with a giant truck bed to hold 19 of us and all of our bags. It was pretty full, so we stood on the benches as we zoomed down the road with the wind in our hair at sunset. I was soaking in the beauty of the moment when all of a sudden a bird flew right into the side of my head! I was so shocked and all I could do was laugh. I wouldn’t have even believed it had happened if my squad mates around me hadn’t confirmed that yes, indeed, I had just been hit with a bird!

Time I saw God move
KatrinaOur ministry in Nicaragua was so fulfilling. Before the race, I often said that I was most looking forward to using my hands to create tangible change in a community. One day, as Paul and I were laying bricks for the walls of Antonia’s new home I paused and reflected on God’s goodness; He granted the desires of my heart (Psalm 20:4).

Best thing I ate
Paul – Pizza from “Pizza Maria”. I was getting a little tired of rice and beans for every meal by the third month.

Katrina– “Smudy” – pronounced Smooo – dee 🙂 We found this amazing smoothie place in both Leon and Chinendega that made delicious fruit smoothies for about $1. They were completely natural, fresh and amazing! All I could think of is how at home I would pay $6 or $7 for something similar except with imported, frozen fruit and artificial flavours.

Craziest thing we did
Paul – Thought we could beat a team of Nicaraguan children at their own game – soccer!
Katrina – Drove in the back of a truck to a beach town, took a motorized canoe across an unknown body of water, hiked 15 minutes with our packs and set our tents up on the beach of an island in the Pacific Ocean.

Who we’re going to miss the most
PaulJunior – my new friend from North Carolina with the strongest accent I’ve ever heard
Katrina ­– The people of Bethel and our former team “Transformation Station”

Something I learned
PaulThat the weather is perfect there all the time
Katrina ­– God is in control; of all things, of all people, of all circumstances.

Most challenging moment
PaulWatching Katrina be sick for a week and not knowing what to do because there weren’t any North American hospitals to take her to
KatrinaBeing sick for a week and a half and visiting a Nicaraguan hospital on Christmas day

Most fun moment
PaulEvery day, riding in the back of a truck: the sun beating down and the wind blowing in my hair
Katrina– I have 3!
– Walking through the village of Bethel hand in hand with beautiful Nicaraguan girls, speaking in Spanish and learning about their lives.
– Christmas morning, family style with our team, on our bed, opening the most thoughtful stockings and presents
– New Year’s Eve on the beach


Most rewarding moment
PaulBeing able to cook Christmas dinner for three teams
Katrina– Meeting Brian (read previous blog: “My new friend Brian”)

Most beautiful site
PaulSunset at the beach on Christmas Eve
Katrina– Driving home at sunset with the volcano in the background