Funniest moment
Paul – One day we were teaching English to some 8 year old children. It was Katrina’s turn to teach them something and she decided on teaching Daniel and the Lion’s Den. So she proceeds with her lesson and asks the kids, “What sound does an animal make…. I mean, what sound does a lion make?” It was too late, and we razzed her about it for weeks on end!
Katrina – Wade and Kearston had the unfortunate pleasure of celebrating their birthdays this month. I felt so bad because there was nothing special we were able to do for them due to where we were living. However, on Wade’s birthday, we decided to switch up our usual restaurant and go somewhere different. We walked in and there were 4 waitresses and no customers. The table we chose had a long trail of aunts walking across the table cloth so Paul asked if we could switch tables. They said no. Then he asked if they could change the table cloth. They said no; but swept the ants onto the floor. They gave us one menu for 7 people so we asked for more. They gave us two. We asked for more, they said no. They then stood over our shoulders and waited for us to decide even though there were over 100 options. The whole situation was just so ridiculous and so hilarious all we could do was laugh. The only bright side: we asked for French fries, they said no, and then we ended up getting a plate of French fries. Welcome to Cambodia.
Paul – Singing “God is so good!” Even though these kids probably had no idea what they were singing, I felt the presence of God in that room.
Katrina – Delivering Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes was a lifetime dream of mine. I had been praying since before the race that God would provide an opportunity for me to be a part of it, and that happened this month. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the shipment just sitting there in our pastor’s house one day! I’ve always been a big advocate for Samaritan’s Purse, and after seeing their impact in rural Cambodia I can confidently say that God is working big time through this organization. Seeing the receiving side of the entire operation was incredible.

Best thing I ate
Paul – hmm… the #4. We ate at this little roadside stand/restaurant all month and had a selection of 6 different menu items consisting of different noodle or rice dishes. #4 was a noodle dish with beef and a spicy pepper sauce.
Katrina – Nothing.
Paul – I asked the Pastor one day if he would let me ride his motorcycle home from ministry and he agreed. Wade jumped on the back and after a little bit of a shaky start we tore off onto the dirt road, full of potholes and other obstacles. Tons of fun!
Katrina – During our four-month debrief in Siem Reap, Becca and I decided to try a “fish spa”. We literally sat on the edge of a fish tank and let them bite dead skin off our feet. It was the most ticklish thing I have ever done! But for $2, it was a cultural experience not to be missed.

Who we’re going to miss the most
Paul – All of the little boys and girls who greeted us each morning with their cheery little faces and broken English yelling, “Hello, Hello, Hello!”
Katrina – Jungsea. At least I think that was her name. This little girl had the cutest braids, big ears, beautiful eyes and a joy that was contagious. Each day she would come running into my arms and hold me by the hand as we walked across the schoolyard. She made me feel that I had a purpose in that place and her smile is something that will forever be etched in my heart.
Something I learned
Paul – How playing music on the guitar can capture a moment. I sat down on the curb one day and just started playing and singing and the kids ran over and sat there in awe. Some even imitated me by pretending to play guitar on a stick.
Katrina – How much I value education and that I was blessed to have a love of learning instilled in me from a young age. I really love when I meet kids who are eager to learn and who realize what a blessing it is.

Most challenging moment
Paul – Probably the food. It was very repetitive and not very safe most of the time. When we prayed over our meals, we definitely made sure to ask God to keep our bodies safe.
Katrina – Dealing with sickness was challenging and frustrating for me. I battled with allergies, a cold, headaches, migraines, fevers and severe stomach pain. Every time I started to feel better, something else would knock me down. The food was awful, it was very dusty and there was significant air pollution.
Most fun moment
Paul – Talking with the group and specifically Dan about pregnancy; he was so clueless it was hilarious!
Most rewarding moment
Paul – Feeling like we left the ministry site having done something significant. I felt like we accomplished a lot while we were there. Our schedule was very full and every day we were either teaching bible stories or leading devotionals.
Katrina– The day our pre-school kids started singing “God is so good” by memory. We taught them 2 whole songs in English about Jesus’ love and after a couple of weeks we would catch them singing these words as they played in the yard.

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