Hello Everyone!

We’ve been working really hard on our fundraising and we’ve almost met our first deadline. We only need $900 to reach $6000 by June 18th. Hooray! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us thus far. It truly means so much! Our next fundraiser is quickly approaching – the “Treasure Sale” on June 11th. We’re still looking for donations so if you have any buried treasures laying around your closests or basements please let us know!

My mom has also been working really hard to use her talents to support us. She’s incredibly creative and has recently started “Hearts for Hope” – a beautiful jewelry business. All of her unique necklaces and bracelets have a heart because they are made with love and will help us to show God’s love to the less-fortunate around the world.  Check out the following poster for more information and contact her to schedule a viewing or to order yours today!