From the moment The World Race caught our attention to the day we decided to step forth and begin our application an entire year went by. We never actually thought it was something we would do. It seemed like a dream, completely impossible and totally irresponsible. How could a young couple, fresh out of school with an abundance of student debt possibly raise $30,000? The money was unfathomable – and it held us back for a long time. 

As our hearts developed a deep yearning passion, our minds wrestled with the logic of it all. In my last semester of university some doors began to open and our excitement continued to grow. We couldn’t shake the feeling that God wanted to use us around the world. 

I’ve always dreamed big dreams and when I was a little girl my dad would tell me I could do anything I put my heart towards. He’s not here to tell me that now, but I know that’s still what he’s thinking. It took awhile for Paul and I to believe that this is what we were meant to do. It requires stepping out in faith more than we ever have before, because no matter how hard WE try we can’t do this on our own.

We are so blessed to have an incredible family and many friends who support our vision and our mission and we are so thankful for you. Unfortunately we’ve encountered a whole lot of doubters too; people who are cynical and just don’t believe. They don’t believe that God is big enough, that he can use THEM to send us, and they don’t believe in us. 

We’re placing our hope in the Lord and trusting that our needs will be met so we can continue on this amazing journey. If you believe in what we’re doing we challenge you to take action. We need you to stand behind us financially and go before us in prayer. We need you to take the next step!