Hey everybody, just wanted to tell everybody that im ok, and i can quickly fill you in on what my life has been like for the past week. About a week ago we left Guang Huh, i know thats not how you spell it but hey cut me a break. my team stayed in guan joe, while we waited for the other teams to get there. the next day we hung out and waited to get on our 35 hour train ride. Oh and i got my hair cut while we were in guan joe, cause i really needed it, but the guy did a horrible job. anyways, after the train ride we got on a bus for 3 hours, and then got on a plane to travel to bangkok, the plane ride was about another 3 hours. we had a little bit of a wait in the airport in macau not sure how long, but as you all can add thats roughly 41 hours of pure travel. that was crazy, in one day we traveled on a train, taxi, plane, and bus. if we had to have gone on a boat for anything, we would have completed the list. as is we will travel by boat to get to our ministry since we will be doing it on an island. so to get to where we are going in thailand we are going to travel by all but animal to get there. however, before we leave im hoping to ride an elephant. anyways that puts me right now in an internet cafe in Bangkok thailand. im in a mall and im going to go see a movie, its great, we just got done bowling and eating in a sizzler. i know i know, that is really weird, im in thailand, why am i going american. well we are here for like 3 days, and after that the rest of the month we are camping out on the beach on a small island, taking bucket showers and going with the roughing it route. so i figure i should do some of that stuff while i can, plus it makes me miss home just a little less, since it reminds me of home. anyways i did almost take in a kick boxing match, i would have had ring side seats, but it cost 50 dollars and i dont have that kind of money to go watch kick boxing. but one of the guys on the trip, did pay for me to get a massage since it was way cheap and he said it is way cool, and i had a great time, but it was interesting. anyways, we get to go to our ministry site tomorrow, i get to look forward to a 20 bus trip. that will be fun.  im sorry i dont have any pictures, but i one dont have any really to show you, and two i dont have time right now to load them on my site. thank you for all your prayers, things are going really well here. i love thailand so far, the people seem really nice. and by the way thanks all of you for your comments. i love you too grandma and linda. Ian i dont know what your talking about. and joy i have to be honest, i really dont like happy joe’s pizza, but thats just me. Please keep praying for us as our ministry will be on an island where the population is muslim. Well thanks again for your support and love. please keep checking the blogs as i hope to have pic’s soon. and always stay classy planet earth.

in Him