Ok this is me on top of the temple mount, im standing in front of the dome of the rock in the picture just behind me. and i didnt have to dodge bullets to get here. luckly the jordanians who control the temple mount let people up there on some days. well it is one of the best places i’ve been so far. knowing that the stones i was walking on the places up there i was just sitting in and looking at were places that so many people from the Bible, including our Lord, have been and spent time at. It is one of the coolest places i’ve ever been.  The other really cool thing is not only is this a place where Jesus has been, it is a place that he will be at again. from here he will reign and rule the world. and to be here knowing that is pretty awesome. well i hope you enjoy the pic’s and i hope all of you reading this blog and seeing these pictures will beable to come sometime in your lifetime to this place and beable to stand on the temple mount, its pretty amazing. as always stay classy planet earth

in Him



                                                                               the Dome of the Rock


                        A view of the the mount of olives from the temple mount

                                                Just right of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple platform