Hey everybody, sorry i havnt written a blog in a while. but i have been busy and we have been doing a lot of really cool stuff this past week. and i got to be a school teacher this week mom, i think you would have been proud. we taught on Aids awarness and so we talked to them about abstaining from sex until they are married. and then we also shared the gospel with them. it was a great time, and one that was cool not only because we could talk to the kids about some important issues, but because we did it in the schools. the head master/principal was very thankful we came and did what we did. but please pray for the kids that they make the right choices in their lives because here in africa Aids is a real problem. and please pray that they also make commitments to Christ. thank you all for praying for me and for all your great comments. i love you and i will get to see you soon. and stay classey planet earth

in Him
