Sharing the gospel is one of the greatest things ever. I say that because rather then getting rejected the gospel is being recieved and many are coming to Christ. Our week consisted of going door to door and praying with and for people, while sharing with them the gospel. it seems like that everytime we go out and go door to door people get saved. the pastor told us that people are willing to let us talk to them because we are americans. most of the time they dont want to talk. so im glad if nothing else the gosple is going out because im white. The other day we also went to a school. it was a pre school and it is run by one of the churches here. the pre school program is important because elementary school is paid for by the government, but the kids must pass a test to get into school. so they need pre school training. many of the families do not have the money to send their kids but the christian school charges way less then everyone else. well please keep us in your prayers as we continue to share the gospel with the people of kenya.
in Him