Hey everybody, i just wanted to give you guys one more blog about india. i just wanted to let you know that if you didnt catch it before in my blogs.  it is a place where God is working miracles. there are a lot of drawbacks, its really really hot, maybe the hottest place on earth. it’s really really dirty, maybe the dirtiest place on earth. but you can buy mt dew there and that is the first place outside the states i had seen that. but more importantly, God is working there in major ways. i believe i have seen the beginnings of that country turning to Jesus, or how God is going to turn that country into a place where his name is proclaimed everywhere. Pastor Dan talked about India a lot when he first got to Victor, and i can see why. It is an exciting place to be if your a believer, many opportunities to serve, and to share the gospel. However it still needs our prayers. India right now is a place of great opportunity and a place of persecution. God uses that persecution to further His cause, but we still need to pray for those who are in that persecution and pray for those kids who are being trained to be missionaries and pastors to their own country. Pray that they will be trained right, and will never lose that heart for their savior and for their people to know the Gospel. I want to thank you again for praying for them but i want to ask again that you would continue to pray for them. i want to leave you some more pic’s from india and while they are going to be cute photos of kids smiling remember that some of these kids will be going to Bible college and go be a pastor somewhere in their country, and that doesnt mean nice white churches with steeples and stained glass windows. for many of them that means being mocked, persecution and for some death. Some of these kids may die for their faith. please pray for india and for them. and as always stay classy planet earth.

in Him


                                                      Yao and me at pizza hut


                                         me and the boys showing you how hot it is.

        A 13 yr oldboy named kodar. a great kid who 
                                    loves Jesus

           Jessica looking kinda scared while wearing that snake


      Me looking calm and very much ok while holding the snake