JGM stands for Jaffa Gate Ministries. I tell you this because it was a ministry that Jessica, Laura, and I were able to work with for the past week or so. its way cool because, Elton, started this ministry, basically out of his apartment just feeding guys a couple times a week. He takes meals to the beggars you see on the street. everyone sees them, but few try to help them. i wanted to work with Elton but he told us he needed to pray about it first. the great thing was i sent an email to pastor dan, my pastor from back home, and i asked him to pray that we would get the opportunity to work with JGM. well the next day i got an email from elton telling me to come the next day to start working with him. it was a simple but great ministry. seeing the beggars on the street, it was a great chance to give them something they needed, good nutrition. and of course elton uses this as means to tell them the gospel. please continue to pray for JGM and elton. its a great ministry doing God’s work among the lowest of the low. Thank you everybody, for praying for me the past couple of weeks, and really the past couple of months, tomorrow is the half way point, God has done a lot these past couple of months, pray that he will continue to do great things in the lives of those we come in contact with. stay classy planet earth.

in Him