Our time in China is slowly coming to an end. We have done many things as a team. We have made many contacts for the full time missionaries, hopefully they will beable to come and continue the work, as there is much to do. Luckily our town is only 45 min away. We have been able to go to the school now twice with two more engagements for this week. please be in prayer for us this week as we put the full court press on so to speak with the gospel. We have not left yet so we have work to finish here before we leave. However just a quick look ahead so you can be praying for us and the rest of the teams. We are going to take a very long trek through China, to eventually get to Thailand. From what i know of this country i can expect a little more openess then here in China. But from one of the things that we all learned about Thailand in our week of training back in January. Thailand is a very dark country with child prostitution. Please pray for us as we take the gospel to the Tai people. But please be in prayer for us as there is a lot of oppression in this country and i know we can’t just ignore these travesties, but at the same time i don’t know what to do, as i have never been in that situation before.  Please pray that we will have boldness to do the right thing, whatever that might be,  and that God will beable to accomplish many amazing things through us. I am both excited and nervous about what we are about to do. Thank you for your prayers and your support. As always stay classy planet earth.

in Him