Hey everybody, i just wanted to let you know what s going on here in bosnia. Also to let you know that my sermon went well on sunday. God really used me and it was exciting talking to the bosnians and having that honor of preaching in their church.  My week has been very busy and good, because while its been busy a lot has been accomplished. just today i had lunch with the founders of the english school to discuss the school, I went to one of the roma villages right after i got back from that, and then shortly after i got back from the roma village i went to do speaking practice for 2 hours. it was a busy day, but fun and its great just being here in bosnia and working with the church. please pray for me as we finish up the time here. One more prayer request i have is AIM made the desicion that we will not be going to israel in two weeks so please pray that we will have another, alternate plan that will hopefully be a good replacement. hopefully i will have new pics up soon, thank you for being patient in waiting for them. stay classy planet earth

in Him