Hello everyone, i just quickly wanted to share with you this amazing picture of one of the cutest kids ive ever met. Her name is Emma, and she is Sasha’s daughter. You might be asking who is sasha, well he is one of the men who runs the roma village ministry in tuzla. i wanted to also share this picture with you so you would beable to relate and remember a truth about bosnia and be praying for it. I shared in an earlier blog that there are roughly 500 believers in bosnia. Which means it is a very young church, and first generation believers. this means that unlike in america where you have whole families saved as a norm. In Bosnia you have families split. in this case Sasha is saved but his wonderful wife is not. Please be in prayer for the children of bosnia that the gospel will reach them but also the families of bosnia. often times in the Bible whole families are reached at one time with the gospel, and so please pray that that will be the case in Bosnia as well. as always i love you and im praying for you. stay classy planet earth.

in Him