Hey everyone! 

We’ve been in India for a week now and man has it been a wild time. India is one of the hardest yet best countries I’ve visited. We’ve been in villages praying for the miraculous and proclaiming the name of Jesus boldly, seeing God move in incredible ways daily. One of the racers shared the gospel in a village and dozens accepted Christ, and dozens more were healed of physical ailments and pains.

Here are a few snaps of our time in India this week!

There are so many kids in the villages. It’s been a huge blessing getting to love them through games and telling bible stories to them!


We’ve gotten to pray for hundreds of people the past week and see God do the miraculous: God has taken pain away, realigned broken bones, delivered people and brought freedom, healed physical ailments and emotional wounds. It’s been amazing to see Holy Spirit move in miraculous ways!



Thanks for the prayers guys! Hope you enjoy getting a glimpse into how things are going over here!