This month we’ve been teaching religion classes in Chile. The 11th grade teacher asked us to teach on the different types of prayer: intercession, requests, thanksgiving, prayers of praise. We all decided to take different topics to teach on. 


Rob, Rachel, and Brandon killed it teaching on intercession, thanksgiving, and prayers of worship! I decided to teach on John 14:12-14:


“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”


I shared how Jesus performed many miracles and lots of people were healed. Right here He says we will also do the same works, and not just that, we’ll do even greater works! If this is the case, why don’t we live in a constant state of showing God’s love and character to other people? The class was tracking what I was saying. 


I asked if anyone had any pain in their body. One girl raised her hand and said she had pain in her back. If what Jesus said and did is true, then we should have the faith that the God of the universe, the one who created us, can show his powerful love to us just like Jesus did. I asked the other students around her to lay hands on her back and pray in Jesus’ name for healing.  After saying a quick prayer for Holy Spirit to fill the room, the students prayed. The girl stopped, moved her back, and showed a slight grin. She proceeded to say there was a tingle feeling where the pain was, then it got hot, and then the pain was gone. Praise God! He loves to remind us how much He loves us.


We then asked if anyone else needed prayer. The teacher said she’s had gastrointestinal pain for some time now. I asked the student next to her to pray for healing in Jesus’ name. Instantly I felt this kid had some doubts, so we reminded him that Jesus said we need to have faith; we asked him to take a second to truly believe in his heart that God is the Almighty God. He took a second and began to pray. And again, all glory goes to God, she was healed! 


We began to talk to the class about emotional pain. We all go through hard things in life; we are hurt by people, and rough circumstances leave wounds and bitterness. But Jesus is the Redeemer, he’s the one that heals our brokenness and makes us new again! If Jesus heals our physical pain, he can free us from emotional pain as well. I asked if anyone in the class had something like this happen to them due to their families, and if they would like for Holy Spirit to come and heal those wounds. One girl raised her hand and said “I think you should just pray for all of us in the class, because we all have hurt from our families.” 


I had the class close their eyes, and I prayed that God would come and do what only he can do. I prayed for the blood of Christ to redeem those areas of past wounds; for Holy Spirit to fill their hearts; for God to speak truth and love into their lives and for them to hear God speak to them. 


Afterwards we asked if anyone felt God’s presence and students raised hands and responded with nods. One girl broke down crying as she shared what God spoke to her, and another guy shared 3 different things God had done in his life during that time. A few of the girls in the front were crying as God awakened their souls. It was beautiful!!


Praise God for the little ways he reminds us who He is! He is a loving Father who wants to bring us back into right relationship with him. And He will reveal himself when we go in faith! 


I love the life we get to live. We get to see people’s lives transformed through signs, wonders, and miracles. All because of an amazing and awesome God! Incredible.

Thank you for the prayers everyone!



Update: I still need to raise $950 for my time leading this group! Please consider joining my ministry in this way. Any amount, no matter how big or small, helps me reach my goal!


much love.