The Holy Spirit. 

It’s a topic that I have been challenged with this week to speak about on my blog. It’s perfect timing, because I was planning on it anyways 🙂

Since I have attended Baptist churches for a long time, the Holy Spirit seems to be something that we don’t quite understand too well, or we are afraid of.

The last few weeks, I challenged myself to be completely led by the Holy Spirit in my preperation for the World Race. It was weird. It was awesome. It was terrible. It was fun.

Before attempting to actually use the Holy Spirit, I felt like I was bench-pressing more than I could handle. Then, when I finally started allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me, it’s like he became my spotter. He lifted the weights off of me and started helping me (because I allowed Him). Now, even though things are so unclear sometimes, I feel less stressed and worried about the circumstances. I know now that the Holy Spirit is so much better than TomTom.

With that being said, the Holy Spirit has truly led me to choosing a route in July 2013. I will not be leaving in January. I am really excited about this, because it means I get to help establish a brand new ministry to Muslims in Turkey! This is such an incredible opportunity, and one that I am going to need extra prayer and support in order to better equip myself to minister to Muslims in this region.

My route did not change much, with the exception of adding two countries:

South Africa

I am still in great need, financially. I have about $11,800 still needed in order to be fully funded for the 11 months of missions. No amount is too little! I can thankfully tell you that hundreds of dollars of my donations have been from people just giving somewhere between $10-50. Look for the ***Please Support Me*** link on the left of this page. Thank you so much to everybody who has supported me both financially and prayerfully in this journey. 

It truly is a blessing beyond what words can say. 

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. – Romans 8:14