Chiang-Mai Commercial Technological College.

Our ministry for the month. Investing in the lives of the future generation of Chiang-Mai. Our first morning on the campus, we were asked to leave, but the Holy Spirit led us back onto the campus, where we connected with one of the teachers. Now we are teaching two English classes everyday. The first morning teaching a class with a fellow teammate, I went around to the students asking them what they wanted to do after graduating college.

Flight Attendant.





Business Owner.

Reality is, that many of the girls in this class will be trafficked and will end up working in bars all over Asia being sold to men who want to buy them for sex.

MMMMAt first, they wouldn’t look me in the eye. They didn’t want to acknowledge me. I had learned earlier that the college I was teaching at was full of students that were the outcasts of Chiang-Mai. They were made to believe they were worthless, and that no one wanted to invest in them. They were made to feel unwanted. By the end of the class, after attempting to help them in their English, love them, and show them that I was here for them, to help them, to be friends with them, they began to look me in the eye, and smile. They might have not known it, but they encountered the love of God that morning, and they will encounter it again. Then one day, they will know. They will know it’s all Him. I’m just here to make it clearer.






                                                                              Photo by Marina Razumovsky