World Race parent Beth Gilbreath submitted her encouragement to other WR parents whose Racer’s had an abrupt end to their Race because of the virus. She shares how you can Recognize, Resist, Relate, and Represent in the midst of your Racer’s pandemic return to the States. 

Seventeen years ago, I read a book that changed my life. It was titled “Don’t Waste Your Life,” by Pastor John Piper, and it convinced me to put down the 800 page novel I was reading, and look intently into the eyes of the children I was raising.

Just three short months ago, one of these children became a World Racer. Like you, we launched our arrow into the world for what promised to be a life changing, opportunity to do missions spanning 11 countries in 11 months.

Then just four short weeks ago, our World Racer and yours, had their journey abruptly yanked from underneath their dusty feet and boomeranged back to us due to the corona virus. This virus which is now a worldwide pandemic. The change of events happened so quickly, I hardly had time to plan or prepare! How should I respond to my Racer’s return? How can we, as parents, respond to our Racer’s sudden and  unexpected return, so as not to waste it?    

RECOGNIZE: When our Racers returned “home” unexpectedly, they returned to a changed place.  Like Rip Van Winkle awakening from a very long dream, they returned to an unrecognizable society, where they were told to quarantine and isolate. They returned to a neighborhood where they were not allowed to hug the friends they had missed, or the grandparents they did not know if they would see again when they left just three months previous. 

Not only did our Racers return to a changed home, they returned to a changed home as changed people. Two and a half months on the World Race was enough to change our particular racer indelibly, as evidenced by her blog and personal testimony. As parents rejoice and recognize the good work He has done inside your Racer’s heart, while also recognizing the rapid societal changes. Use this opportunity to remind your Racer of our good and unchanging God. 

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17)

RESIST: Resist the temptation to resolve or rush your Racer’s decision-making upon their return. Many of them left their jobs, their housing, their roommates, and their way of life to embark on the World Race. Despite the uncertainty of the future of their Race with Adventures in Missions, allow your Racer time to reflect, and to pray. Be a safe resting place for your Racer to land. You can help them process their questions and futures without attempting to resolve or rush them. Instead of attempting to resolve your Racer’s questions regarding the future that is uncertain for all of us, remind them of the “One who holds the future in His hands”.  

RELATE: As parents, you may be familiar with these words from popular author and evangelist, Josh McDowell: “Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.” As I received my returning Racer, I had to resist the temptation to regress in our parent- adult child relationship to former unhealthy patterns. (i.e. the old struggle with expectations to complete household chores.) Use this time to emphasize relationship, rather than insist upon old rules. Whether your Racer was already living outside of your home before the World Race, or living in their childhood bedroom, respect your Racer’s growth during their time away. Relate to them as the mature Christ-follower they are, rather than the immature adolescent you may remember they were.   

REPRESENT: Most of all, my prayer as a World Race parent, is that I would represent Christ well to my Racer. Allow them to observe you using this pandemic to bring the hope and peace of Christ into an increasingly despairing and panicked world. Instead of responding with fear to our material losses, let them see us respond in faith. Instead of hoarding the bread this world offers and calls life, let them see us freely offer the world the living Bread and Water we find in Christ. Let them see us use this pandemic well, and not waste it. 

Perhaps, like me, you are wrestling with your own loss and fears in this unfamiliar world in which we find ourselves living, yet, the God we serve remains the same. He gifts us with the same 24 hours a day that we had before social distancing, and quarantining became mandatory. As we connect with our returning Racers, let’s not waste the time with them we’ve been given, but use it for His purposes and for His glory. In the words of former missionary, Jim Elliot, “Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”