Capacity- the maximum amount that something can contain. 

I have lived in Corpus Christi, Texas my entire life. I know Corpus well and I have known it for a long time. I know where the coolest coffee shops are located, all the way to its worst potholes to definitely avoid when driving. Corpus Christi isn’t a place I’ve grown to dislike, it’s just a place I’m too familiar with. This realization of how well I know Corpus has triggered an urge in me to get out and get uncomfortable. This summer, I am taking big steps to travel to a place I hardly know with people I have never met and days ahead of me that aren’t nearly predictable..all to allow the Lord to stretch my capacity. to walk into uncomfortable settings to let Jesus maximize my understanding of His heart, His word and His people. weird I know… I am forcing myself to be out of warm, fuzzy comfort and step into feeling awkward and out of place. it isn’t typical, but it is purposeful. Going to Thailand has a purpose in it and a plan that the Lord is directing my feet to step into.

Jesus walked down the path of sinners to understand the pains of sinners and to save the sinners…to save us. He lived a life that He didn’t deserve and chose to get uncomfortable, so that we could receive grace we don’t deserve and find comfort in Him. Jesus’ capacity was stretched as His hands and feet were nailed to the cross, because He knew there was a new life waiting on the other side of His death for the ones who say ‘yes’ to Him. A life and relationship forever and ever with the God of the universe. He undeniably contained maximum amounts of sacrifice, surrender and love for us. For you. For me. The love Christ has for us, for people, for others that didn’t look like Him, for spirits who were hurting, for bodies who were out-casted and hearts who were longing to know Him is the amount of love the Lord wants to push against the walls of my capacity through the moments of feeling awkward, out of place and maybe even unequipped. He is calling me to just show up in Thailand, ready or not, empty handed and heart abandoned.

A change of place can lead to a change of heart.

one month away from home.

a place I have never seen.

a culture unknown to me.



Oh Y E A H, there will be a lot of stretching in my capacity and changing done in my heart…but I am ready for God to maximize and enlarge it through encountering hard things and unknown things. One month doesn’t sound very long, but it’s a chance to grasp more of what Jesus’ life was like, walk in it, encourage others to walk in it with me and see people the way He sees people. Thailand isn’t going to be a kick back and relax vacation for me, it will be a heart shaping and faith building location for me.



I cant wait to take in the maximum amounts of what the Lord has for me to contain.  


“Dear brother and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” -James 1:2-4


Thank you for taking the time to read this friend, it means so much. God is capital “G” Good and I pray you are reminded and encouraged of how Good He truly is through the vulnerable words and real experiences I have in Thailand. My trip with the World Race, is your trip too. 

Come see all the stretching, building, shaping and changing He is going to do, all to make His precious Kingdom crowded.