Hey friends!

I’m Olivia, as most of you already know 😀


My life summed up goes a little like this: I was born and raised in the great state of North Carolina. I grew up in the tiny town of Creedmoor, and am the only one in my family that is a true southerner (bless their hearts). 

Speaking of family, I am the youngest of 5 kids (yes, I was spoiled. and yes it’s true that the youngest sibling is the smartest(; ) My family is SUPER important to me, and my siblings are absolutely my best friends. 

I am super extroverted, I love performing (read: all the performing arts electives that could be done I did), I LOVE music. I have played violin, piano, handbells, and guitar (currently learning that one), and I love to sing!

The Important Stuff:

Jesus has always been in my life, but our relationship got real good 5 years ago. My parents always made Jesus a priority for our family, and I am so thankful for it. I had my ~I’m gonna do me~ season in high school, but God was ready to snatch me back once I came to my senses (wow I am so thankful for GRACE and MERCY!).

Recently, God has been refining me for His will, which sounds nice but has the tendency to be pretty painful. I am so excited and also a little nervous to see what He is going to be doing to my heart and spirit over these 11 months.

My favorite Bible verse: Let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth” 1 John 3:18

The Random Stuff: 

  • I’m a self-proclaimed donut connoisseur 
  • I will always get your Harry Potter, Office, and Parks and Rec references 
  • Music has a HUGE effect on me 
  • I dance randomly/I have dances for random things (eg: my mac and cheese dance)
  • I talk to God through song/dance
  • I LOVE people, I respect personal space but don’t really need it myself
  • I love spending time in nature, and being active
  • Playing games is one of my favorite pastimes (monopoly is touchy though…)
  • Avid reader