As I sit here in the prayer room, a little room like a cove next to the living room, I’m looking out at the great Georgia fall scene just beyond the windows. It’s a cool 40 degrees, with orange and yellow leaves falling from the tall trees. With my bible in my lap, and tea in the cup to help soothe a sore throat, I finally have the moment to sit and write, to you.




Have you ever felt that you fall short? That you don’t measure up?


It’s a feeling and thought I’ve had to work through the past few weeks, and few months. More specifically, with how I have not been in communication with you, my reader, supporter, friend. As life has been full and the balance of everything has become a challenge.


I accept grace, and am not too hard on myself. So that it doesn’t become a bigger deal than it needs to be internally.


But there are many things in life that we can see ourselves as falling short in, as not measuring up with. 


So what do we do with that?


Psalm 139 is amazingly profound and personal…


“O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. 

You know when I sit down and when I rise up…

you are intimately aquatinted with all my ways…

you have laid you hand upon me.”


Our God knows.

Our God knows when we think or feel like we can do better.

He knows when we need rest, need a dose of peace, need a breather to gather ourselves.


There is so much more depth to answering this question, of how to deal with desiring to do our best and coming up short. But for now, in a simple and honest way, I want to let you know that God in His grace has reminded me how much he knows and sees. He knows how I’ve wanted to stay more in touch with you. He knows every thought of desiring to do the best in balancing all of life. 


And it’s in that knowing, that there is a huge element of peace, of grace, of hope.


There’s always a tomorrow – of growth, learning, resetting, restarting. But sometimes what we might need is a moment, that moment of being reminded that there is peace in Him intimately being there. In Him simply knowing – and knowing you, wholly and completely.


I hope that you can receive his peace – his intimate and comforting peace, that he KNOWS you – today! 

He is acquainted with all your ways. And He is there.

Today, I have found His peace in that.


Like seeing him in the serenity of creation – a beautiful Autumn day here in Georgia, He reveals that He is there.

Imagine how much more He is in you, in love with simply knowing you.

Even without everything figured out, He is with you!



Thank you God for this reminder.