Hello, my sweet friends! Recently I had a meeting over facetime with my squad mentor (shoutout to Megan! you really ROCK), and she challenged me to write a blog about why I am doing the world race, hence the title. I touched a little bit about why in my very first blog post, but I didn’t go too in depth. I have a couple of things the Lord has been placing on my heart from the interview process until now as to why he wants me to go. I am going to go through that list and further explain it. I hope that through this blog you will gain a deeper understanding of me & my heart for missions!
I have always been a big fan of mission trips. When I first joined a youth group in 7th grade I went to San Antonio to do construction work for lesser fortunate families. Y’all, I fell IN LOVE with the way God’s love showed up when we took on a servant mindset. I went on about 9 more mission trips with that youth group to places like Alaska and New Orleans. Those places were DREAMS for pre/early teen Noelle. I took to heart the people I met and the stories I could tell, the mission field seemed to be where I came alive. When I moved to Austin and got distanced from that church, I felt empty. That’s when I met a future racer at a small group in February of 2017. No one had to tell me twice to google search the CRAP out of adventures in missions. I love looking back on my past mission experiences, simply because I can see evidence of God’s anointing for missions on my heart. Thank you, Lord! “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”(Matt. 28:19-20)
I am pretty expressive about my detest of suburban life. If God called you to settle down, raise 3 kids, and never move away from your hometown, that’s incredible, I am proud of your obedience. However, It hits me the wrong way when I hear kids planning out their entire life from college until their retirement. God has so much more for us than that. There is so many unexpected twists and turns that end up filling your soul tremendously more than comfort ever could. The World Race is the beginning of God testing my limits and stretching my soul. This is the beginning of my ‘something greater.’ “Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Heb. 13:20-21)
If you know me and my testimony, you know that community isn’t my forte. I have a really bad habit of getting into really toxic friendships and letting emotional abuse just come my way. I never did anything about it, I just took it, because in my head that’s what I thought friendship looked like. The thought of being surrounded by 44 crazy Jesus loving young adults is so crazy to me. I’ve never had more than 3 friends! The concept continually blows my mind. I am expectant that God is going to mold his concept of relationships and friendships right before my eyes, and I am beyond ready. Whatever pain I face, I am desperate for a holy community. “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7)
This is DA FACTS. I used to be an all A’s, GT student up until I moved to Austin halfway through sophomore year. Man, James Bowie High School is a CRAP TON more academically challenging than Oak Ridge ever was. I would spend endless nights crying over my helplessness in Chemistry and Algebra 2. I would just sit in my bed. Crying. Taking videos of myself so I could look back and laugh at my miserable time (it really is funny). When I got introduced to Adventures in Missions all I could think was “THANK GOD, I FINALLY CAN GET RELIEF.” This reasoning seems silly, but I promise you it played a big role in my decision.
People tend to be skeptical when I say this one. “But Noelle, this is A MISSIONAL gap year. Don’t expect to go playing in waterfalls every week.” & You are correct my friend, I shouldn’t expect that and I don’t. There is just something so extraordinary about getting to see more of God’s breathtaking creation. I’m a Texas gal, so I am pretty fed up with the boring flat grassland area I lived in for 16 years. I want to see God’s divine nature in the Indian skies, the Costa Rican mountains, the Thai streets. By all means, I do not expect some radical excursions, but I do expect to see God’s power move through his creation. “Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.” (Ps. 96:11-12) I am a firm believer that God’s intentions with nature are being fulfilled. I dont know about you, but when I look at the sea, the trees, and the fields, I sure do see God’s glory. Praises!
This one is simple, yet so complex. I want to obey the lord. I want to honor the plans he has for me. I want to follow his voice. Simple as that. However, I’m not always the most obedient gal. I’m often stubborn at times. I want to have my own way. When I found out I was moving to Austin, I conspired against my parents to form a plan to live with good friends until I graduated. It obviously didn’t work, but it shows my determination to have MY plan work out. 3 months after deciding The World Race is where God wanted me, I was declined from the program. I was heartbroken, I felt misheard, and I felt worthless. I finally let God move in His way, and then the plan was shaken. I tried to interview with other organizations, but God constantly reassured me that Adventures in Missions is where he wanted me. I gave up on trying to find fulfillment in other plans, and I genuinely fought for my spot on World Race Gap Year. I started going to therapy, I sought mentors to guide me, I constantly called staff members to persuade them to give me a second chance, and HEY! Look where I am today!! This obedience has been painful, but so gosh darn fruitful. Through acceptance, I was taught that the places God wants you are going to be good. Period. No exceptions. It may not be the kind of good that YOU were hoping for, but it will be wonderful. “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matt 7:2) Obedience in God is a firm foundation, my friend.
I feel like I could go on and on about why I feel like God has called me to this trip, truly. His provision in this time is just absolutely insane. The fact that I’ve obtained $11,400 in 5 months is insane. HE IS FREAKING GOOD. I really love all of your sweet faces, I am eternally grateful that you would choose to sit down and read my blogs about me and our sweet Lord’s relationship. It is truly astounding!!
Prayers and Blessings for all of you lovely people,
Noelle <3