I have been so eager to write to you all about my lovely people!! Our ‘team’ is a group of 7 people (from a squad of 41) accompanied by a “team leader,” who just got off of the field from their gap year. Each team will always be living and doing ministry together, which is not guaranteed for the whole squad. We chose the name “Orah,” which means light in Hebrew. We collectively agreed that the Lord is calling us to be lights. & the beautiful thing is that it means something different to each of us. The Lord gave me the idea of introducing these lovely ladies by attributing a medium of light to each of their characters. I find that to be so symbolic of what we are aiming to do as a team during these upcoming 9 months. I hope this blog honors them well, and that you finish this loving them as much as I do!



(example, lightning)

Lightning is fascinating. Even when storms are raging, and I could easily be overwhelmed, I find such joy from watching lightning dance across the sky. It’s prominent! It’s lively! It’s illuminating! It’s striking! Sarah is ALL of these wonderful things. I genuinely believe that if you know Sarah, you love her. I got the privilege of meeting her at ‘The Send’ conference back in February, & it has been SUCH an honor to watch the Lord shape her into a fierce child of the almighty king. She hears the voice of the Lord clearly and makes it a point to put action to whatever He says. If He calls her to pray over a stranger, she’s on it. A fearless WARRIOR for the kingdom. A multifaceted lightning bolt. Bold and wonderful!



(example, sunset)

Sydney has a quiet brilliance to her. I mean it when I say that I am astounded by who she is. She has wisdom and beauty and confidence and freedom and joy, she has all of the things. However, none of it is in your face. Its, dare I say, gentle. God’s character shines through her in a way that leaves you feeling comforted. It’s not overwhelming. It’s tender and pleasant, quite like a sunset. When you look at the pastel colors shaping the sky, you can’t help but feel peaceful. Everyone can stand in awe of a sunset, there is just something so captivating about ending the day with a canvas painted by the Father Himself. I truly value Sydney’s heart and the way she exudes the Lord’s character. I know Abba has placed her very intentionally within Orah, & praises for that!



(example, rainbow)

Manifold (adj.); many and various. I couldn’t think of a type of light to describe Regina at first, because I have found that she is so many things. I got to know Regina pretty well through facetime calls before training camp, and goodness she is such a gift. She knows how to affirm me in ways that make my heart soar. But she can also call me out when I am not being who Abba calls me to be. Reg can be serious and self-aware. But she is also one of the most amusing and carefree people I know. A rainbow isn’t loved for just one thing. It’s loved because it is many. It’s colorful and captivating and out of the ordinary. Like c’mon, it’s a freaking rainbow!! Regina reminds me of one in that way. The more you get to know her, the more layers of goodness you see within her spirit.  




(example, flashlight)

Kylee has a DEEP well of wisdom within her soul. Whenever I feel troubled, she always has kind and caring words that lead me towards the Father’s heart. I could call Ky in literally ANY situation and be 100% confident that I would hang up having some sort of deeper understanding. When she looks at someone, she sees the Lord’s love for them, which allows her to steward well. In a sense, she’s shining a light towards the promise of God. Calling His children higher so that they can know Him more. Kylee is the definition of a GOOD and FAITHFUL servant. Endlessly thankful for the promises God has fulfilled through her presence in my life.



(example, that golden hour glow)

Oh goodness, Katelyn is simply a bundle of joy. It’s contagious. When you are near her, you feel lighter and more FREE. She adds this beautiful pep to the team that we dearly need. Whenever we would have an especially moody ‘team time’ at training camp, Katelyn would never fail to cheer us up in an instant. Imagine golden hour. PRIME selfie lighting. Why, do you ask? Because it illuminates all of your best features. You just tend to glow more naturally at that time of day. I believe Katelyn does this unintentionally. She encourages and affirms in ways that genuinely make you feel more confident, more golden. This radiant beauty has such a God-given gift. J-O-Y, baby!



(example, the stars)

When I look up at the night sky, I am always amazed by how far it reaches. Thinking about how many stars there are blows my mind. Billions upon billions. The presence of each one matters, because when you put ’em all together, you get an unquestionably beautiful sight. When I think of the stars, I am reminded of Regan and her many gifts. She feels for others deeply, is self-aware, loves the Lord’s voice, & worships so dang freely! Each of these gifts alone is a treasure, but when you combine them, you get a vast God-fearing woman from Indiana named Regan. She brings so much to the table, and does it with sweet humility! Her presence is such a blessing to Orah.



(example, fireworks)

Oh, our lovely leader Clarissa. Every girl on the team LOVES this woman. She is wise, filled with awareness, and knows the holy spirit deeply. The Lord has given her a confidence that overflows to anyone within a 5-feet radius of her. She is simply captivating. It’s like when you see fireworks; you can’t help but “ooh” & “aah.” The more you know about her, the more fascinating she is (this gal was in the CIRCUS as a kid). You honestly want to get to know Clarissa’s heart and life-story when you meet her. I couldn’t tell you why, you just DO. She glues the team together well; a moment hasn’t passed where she hasn’t been intentional with our community. Really, really thankful to know her.

 (picture was taken while writing, HAH)


(example, candles leading down a path)

I originally wasn’t going to include a description of myself, but I think it makes more sense to do so. I really couldn’t think of what light I was, so I asked Kylee, and I LOVED her answer. “I think you are a bunch of candles leading down a path. It illuminates enough to encourage people to take their own steps. You encourage and guide, but build people up to have the courage to move on their own. You make things clear and capable to come to their own conclusion.” Goodness, such kind words. I think she summed it up perfectly, nothing else to add! Thanks, Kylee, for the love and beautiful description!


Our intention with this team name is that we will be in constant remembrance that the Lord’s light should shine through our character and actions. Kylee puts it into the perspective of how a prism works. A light source is shone on it, and reflected through it is something undeniably beautiful (a rainbow). Like how I explained Regina’s character, our team is manifold. All examples of God’s light, but we each hold uniqueness.

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'” John 8:12

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

These gals have already taught me so much about how to live in unity as sisters in Christ. Super duper pumped for 9 months on the field with them. You’ll be hearing a TON from this group of crazy girls from now on!! Thank you, Lord, for so intently placing us together! 

For my supporters, thank you. Y’all have been such a help in my journey leading towards launch. & now, I AM FULLY FUNDED. no more left to fundraise, and all because of your generosity. thank you thank you. MUCH LOVE