It’s been so long; I apologize for the silence! Here’s a small life update with more to come!

During my semester as an apprentice with CGA (January-June), we learned a whole lot about who we are as children of God, and what it looks like for us to lead ourselves and lead others in His Kingdom. We learned about risk and failure, the Father Heart (and mothering nature) of God, the orphan spirit, emotional and physical health in the Kingdom, what extremism and generational wounds look like, healing, control vs. freedom, vulnerability and shame, personalities (teachings on different kinds of personality typings like Myers-Briggs and Enneagram), public speaking, Kingdom stewardship of finances/time/relationships and dating, communication/handling conflict, influence, spiritual gifts, and discipleship. 
It was one of the hardest seasons of my life; learning so much and managing my time/resources well, recognizing wounds and lies in my life, allowing long overdue grief to come, my classmates and I calling out the truth and allowing healing to sweep over us.

**I thought it would be insightful to include a list of the books we read as a class. They’re excellent resources, and a lot of them challenged me!**

– “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” by Peter Scazzero 

– “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown

– “The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni

– “Tale of 3 Kings” by Gene Edwards

– “Keep Your Love On” by Danny Silk

*Team Leading*

Alumni Team Leading looks like walking with a team (the smaller groups of people that do ministry together). My role is to help the team with the ropes of Race life through stewardship, discpleship, feedback, conversation, ministry, and being an example. I’m on the field for 3 months and then head back to the States. There are 6 teams and I have the honor of being the Team Leader for “Bullseye.” The name is a reference to an excerpt from a book where it talks about focusing on God (the “bullseye”) and letting Him take care of the circles that can cause us to become dizzy and unfocused (and allow us to live from a place of rest in Him. 

We’ve been on the field for almost 2 months!!!

The whole squad spent the first month together in Cariova, Romania and working with Hope Church. A lot of the Squad ended up in isolation and my team (minus one) was at a separate location doing admin work, youth evangelism, and connection at the parks.

Orthodox is the major religion in Romania; the majority of them follow the rituals and routines but lack a personal relationship with Jesus; the younger generations are turning their backs on it and instead turning to universalism and witchcraft because it appears to be the inclusion they are seeking.

During the month, I saw the light of Jesus showing up in small pockets and spreading throughout the area and that gave me hope! The environment is shifting and it makes all of Heaven rejoice as Kingdom comes in Craiova!

Now, we’ve travelled to Albania and I’ll be updated you all super soon about where we are and what we’re doing!

Team leading is hard and beautiful (hard doesn’t mean bad). It takes a new level of intimacy and grit. I would appreciate the support in whatever way you feel like partnering with me as I continue leading my team; spiritually (prayer partner), emotionally (encouragement) or financially (donating towards the funds).

Prayer Requests: 

  • For the missionaries and Raul and Ana in Craiova; refreshment, rest, strength, funds, and revocal!
  • For the squad: the places that they are going to are spiritually heavy and mostly unreached; pray for stamina, security in God, grace, unity, health, (the reunion with our friends has been so, so sweet and we pray that covid stays far away)!! 
  • For my team; for wisdom/discernment, intimacy with God, patience and unity with each other. Strength as we continue to go make Him known.
  • For me: for wisdom and discernment both personally and as I lead, that I would be closer to Abba than ever; hearing His voice and leading from rest. For guidance as I try and steward my time on the field well.
  • For finances: I’m actively support raising for my time on the field. Please consider partnering with me in prayer or financially!