I’ve been home from the World Race for 13 months now.
Last June, myself and 33 others finished our time on the field and landed in Miami, officially ending our time overseas. I realize that I never shared about how the squad I lead ended their race, or about what I have been doing since then. So quickly, I wanted to apologize for not writing this sooner, and I wanted to give a recap.
Our time in the Dominican Republic was not easy, but Gap D gave it their all and boy am I proud to have been a part of it. We saw communities fed, people healed, demons flee, homes built, and people give their lives to Jesus. It was a time of the Lord moving in abundance.
Since we’ve been home, everyone went their separate ways, and are busy bringing Heaven to earth wherever they are. Some went back on the field as leaders last fall. Some did discipleship school. Some went to the Middle East. Some went to help the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Some work for Christian non-profits. Some are working for kids camps. Some have moved overseas. Some are in college. Some are sharing Jesus with their families. Some are married (ahhhh!!!). Some have gone and served in different countries on their own. This group is one that brings hope wherever they go, and I am thankful to know them and call them friends.
Now for an update on my life.
I landed in the states last June. By the time August came around, I was once again packing up everything I owned. This time though, I wasn’t packing my life into a backpack. I was packing my life into a car. At the end of August, my mom and I packed my 2010 Toyota Corolla full of everything that we could fit and drove across the country for three days until we made it to Phoenix.
When I was praying about next steps during my squad leading journey, I was really hoping to hear something along of lines of, “Hey, God here. I want you to go ahead and head back overseas.” I wanted nothing more than to buy a one way ticket somewhere and be committed to staying and building Kingdom in overseas missions for a while. Instead, I felt the Lord pushing me to go back to school. I struggled with this for a while, and eventually asked the Lord for some perspective as to why. I felt like the Lord said, “Everything that you have done for the last two years has been about you being obedient, and Me equipping you. For what comes next, you need to be able to bring something to the table that not everyone has”.
Well, I couldn’t argue with that. So after a lot of prayer, I decided on Grand Canyon University. I am majoring in Behavioral Health Science with an Emphasis in Understanding Trauma. I will finish my Bachelor’s Degree in December 2023, and after that I will apply for their Master’s of Science in Trauma Counseling program. When I was leading for the Race I realized how much I love discipleship, and trauma counseling seemed like a way that I could combine spiritual discipleship with a practical skill that I pray will bring emotional freedom to those that I end up serving.
So yeah, that’s where I’ve been. I’m going to school in Phoenix, Arizona. Now, that’s a sentence that I never would have thought I would write, but God has a funny sense of humor that way. I have traded writing blogs about overseas ministry for writing papers about counseling theories. I have traded being responsible for 30 other humans for being responsible for paying rent. I thought I was trading something really good for something “boring” or “normal”, but I’ve seen the Lord’s faithfulness in so many ways over the last year. I have a community of friends in Phoenix that feels like family. I have roommates who are my best friends. I have a job that I love. I have learned that ministry starts when you walk out of your front door, and not just when you step off of a plane.
I don’t know if I will ever be a career counselor, but I do know that I am passionate about what I am learning and believe that the skills I will gain over my time in school will equip me in ways that I can’t understand yet. I don’t know what life will look like after school, but I know God has a plan, and if I’ve learned anything over the last three years it’s that His plans are usually crazy, awe-inspiring, and so much more worthwhile than my own.
This will probably be my last race blog. To everyone who supported me in any way over the last three years, thank you. I am humbled that the Lord gave me such a big support system that made it possible to be so deeply invested in His work. I have tasted and seen His goodness all over the world. I have seen miracles, healings, and people give their lives to Christ. My life’s mission is to make heaven crowded, and the last three years have given me a firm foundation on which to build the rest of my life. Here’s to running the race with endurance, wherever that takes me.