“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the water wherever you may call me.”

Ahh the words to this song have had such a big impact on my life over this past year. I’ve been praying for deeper trust in The Lord, I want to walk on the water like Peter. I want to trust Him in everything I do so that when He says go, I go. When he says speak, I speak. This has been one of my biggest prayer request for the year, going deeper and trusting more.

Well my friends, God has shown up! He is challenging me to go deeper and showing me how the second I stepped onto the plane and came to Panama! I was sitting by one of my friends, Cody, on my squad and we starting talking about trust, about what it looks like to fully trust in The Lord. He told me about this book that he had read that talked about trust related to gratefulness.

In the book it said, “if you observe a group of people for a week and you see who is the most grateful.. That is the person that trusts The Lord the most.” …Bam, slap in the face! You mean to say that whoever is grateful for whatever circumstance they are in, always finding the good and not the negative…that is the person that is trusting The Lord the most! Wow, that is life changing! And then our conversation continued and he started telling me about this picture that The Lord had painted for him while he was home with his 2 year old nephew. He watched the way his nephew interacted with his parents and saw how happy and content he was. Then he got to thinking about what it would look like if his nephew were the one going on the world race with his parents with him. He would be happy and content wherever he was because he would have the comfort of his momma and daddy with him. It wouldn’t matter what the area around him looked like, the poverty he saw, or where he was sleeping, because his parents would be with him and that’s all he needs. That can be us! We are the child and God is our father! He is with us wherever we are! We can trust in Him!

I’ve been meditating on that a lot this month and it has been challenging but very rewarding! I’ve been put in situations where I was nervous, and some where I honestly just didn’t feel like doing it. So I found myself wishing for the moment to pass, or saying okay only an hour left until it’s over, but then I remembered this, and i become present again and trusted my daddy has me. He is with me. I don’t have to be afraid, I can just trust Him.

I shared all of this with my team and we started this “exercise” when we are in moments of not trusting, not being grateful, we lift our hands. We lift our hands to Jesus, like a child lifting their hands for their dad to pick them up. We lift our hands and cry out Lord help me to trust you! My flesh is trying to take over, and the fear is discontent is starting to take hold. Lord hold me, bring back to her presence and trust You in all that I do!

Will you lift your hands with me and trust that God has you? Right now, where ever you are. He has you and He wants you to trust in Him! He will guide your path.

Love and blessings to you all!