Here we are MONTH 11 and the race is coming to an end soon. We are currently serving in Cape Town, South Africa doing a variety of ministry including soccer ministry, college ministry, and volunteering at an orphanage.

Soccer ministry takes place in a poor part of town where the youth are high risk for getting involved in drugs and gangs. It’s really beautiful work because the man who leads it grew up in this neighborhood and understands the challenges these kids face. His goal is to share the word of God with the students while creating an environment where they can grow in their soccer skills and escape the pressures of being on the streets.

The orphanage ministry has looked different than other orphan ministries we have been apart of. We have shifted our focus to ministering to the workers their as they seemed burned out in their work and could use some encouragement.

Cape Town is such a beautiful place to spend our last month and we are truly blessed to be here with the hosts that we have. There are mountains, beaches, penguins, and festivals weekly. It’s a good place to transition because we back to being in a first world country and everything is very westernized. It’s great here, but it’s weird going from a 3rd world nation to 1st world nation in a day. I find myself often overstimulated by the amount of entertainment, food options, and technology. It can be easy to be pessimistic amount about how much excess there is in western world vs. how much poverty there has been where we’ve been traveling for the past year. I’m choosing to stay positive and gracious with western society because the love of God isn’t displayed by condemnation, it is displayed by love. Overall, it’s just gonna take a some getting used to.

I’ll be home soon and I’m excited and grateful to see all of the wonderful people who have been supporting me on this mission trip. I want to here about your lives and what has happened in the past year. I’ve put some thought into how to sum up the year and the fact is I can’t!

Here are some questions to avoid asking- please avoid general/vague questions about the trip:

How was your trip? (That’s like asking you how the last year of your life was)

How was your year?

Did you have fun?

What did you learn?

Here are some questions to ask- just be specific about the nation:

What did you do in Nepal?

What was your favorite food in Thailand?

How was the culture in Zimbabwae?

What was the best adventure you had in Bulgaria?

Who is a person that you connected with in Swaziland?

What did God teach you in Cambodia?

The point is it would be really nice for the both of us if questions are specific to certain nations because each month has highs, lows, adventures, funny moments, lessons ect.