After we left Albania we had a debrief for a few days in Skopje, Macedonia. Debrief is a time where the whole squad gathers back together to process everything God taught us that month. We get to worship together, hear awesome teaching from our coaches, adventure, and enjoy fellowship. Albania was a month filled with conflict- the was conflict in ministry, conflict within the team, and conflict within myself. I learned so much from Albania, but was great to experience some peace and fun after an incredibly sanctifying month. We’ve had 3 debriefs on the race and this has been my favorite.

Skopje is such a beautiful city. You can really see the Greek and Roman influence in the architecture, fountains, and laid back lifestyle. I was able to spend the first day running around and exploring a huge fort that overlooks the city. It was great catching up with friends and experiencing God’s goodness in such a beautiful place. 

One of the funnest days I’ve had on the race was on Lake Matka. We got to got kayak, hike, and swim- all in the same place. I find so much rest in nature, and this place was the perfect combination of epic and restful. I was filled with so much joy and freedom as I saw this place as one massive playground.

Another day I went with a friend to the tallest cross in the world with is located on top of a mountain in Skopje. The weather was so hot on our way up the mountain but the views were absolutely stunning. It was so great just walking through those mountains and valleys – feeling small in comparison and refreshed at the same time.

Debrief was a great time in ministry as we made a great friend who worked at the hostel were staying at. His name was Leon and he joined our meetings, took us on adventures, and cared for us so well. Leon is a believer and I believe God had us at his hostel to help him take another step in his faith. I was reminded of Acts 2- where the early church just did life together and God added to their number each day. We were able to give Leon a bible before we left and teach him how to spend time with the Lord. He is a great guy and it was really a blessing getting to know him. In the end God new exactly what I needed after a challenging month and blessed my debrief with great adventures, fellowship, and intimacy with the Father.