Welcome to my Blog! I have never blogged before so we will see how this goes. Well a little bit about me, I am currently a freshman at Jeff State Community College. I plan on transferring to UAB and majoring in Criminal Justice – a field I feel I can be used to serve and really make a difference. In addition to school, I work part time at a restaurant, volunteer as a 3rd grade small group leader and co-lead freshman boys at Mountaintop Community Church. I have 3 crazy younger sisters, Kayla, Mekenzie, and C.C. I have a Marine dad and an amazing step-mom.

As they say, life is good. So why have I committed to go on the World Race and leave this good life? Well I’ve heard it said before we shouldn’t stay someplace just because it’s comfortable and if God puts a calling on your heart – I believe you go. I have always had a love of traveling since I was younger and traveled to England a couple of times on family trips. During middle school and high school, I went on yearly mission trips to different parts of the U.S including Seattle, Chicago, and New Orleans. These mission trips fueled my love of traveling and added a new passion of serving and sharing God’s love. In 2015, I took my first international mission trip to the Philippines. While I was there, I met a group of World Racers. I heard some of their stories and thought – wow, thats some spiritual warfare right there! That encounter was used by God to light a fire inside me – to hike around the world telling people the good news of Jesus Christ. God sent his son down to spread Gods truth (Mark 8). Jesus was so obedient to God that he died on the cross so we could have eternal life with him (John 3:16).