So I decided to go on the World Race Gap Year! I couldn’t be more excited about this amazing journey God is about to bring me on and the incredible things me and my team are going to do and see in these countries. But many of you may have a few, I’m sure many more than just a few, questions. So, I’m going to try and address some of the main questions that you might have and really why I’m really going in the first place.


So why the World Race? Why now?

   As many of you know my sister did the World Race Gap Year back in 2016 and her boyfriend (Drew Stamey) went on a Gap Year back in 2014. After my sister got back from the trip I told God that I would NEVER do the World Race and that it wasn’t going to happen because that just isn’t me. Then about two years later I begin my freshman year of College at Piedmont International University and I went on a walk with Holy Spirit one afternoon just to get my mind straight for the rest of the day. That’s when He decided to hit me with the news…

    “Nathan, you have so much to share, I’ve already hand crafted your team. I’m just waiting for you. Will you follow me?”

   At this point I don’t know what to say. I’m terrified to no end and I would much rather choose another, much safer, way of doing things, but this is God. I said No for about two straight days, then after two days of non-stop conviction I decide to look at the routes, not making any decision, just thinking that if I was crazy enough to actually do this thing which route would I take. Nothing more. I narrowed it down to one of two routes. Guatemala, Ethiopia, Thailand or Romania, Costa Rica, Ecuador. I then remembered God really pulling on my heart after I left Africa to go to Europe. I took it as His way of saying route 2 and decided that it was the way to go. I talked to a few trusted people in my life about it and they all pretty much said the same thing… “If He isn’t saying stay, then go!” I applied, was accepted, and now here I am.


     I didn’t want to go on this trip at first. It is far out of my comfort zone and really uncomfortable for me to do this. But that is why I’m here right? To help those who need it and preach the Gospel to those who have never heard it. To bring joy to the joyless, peace to the scared, grace to the shamed. So I go. In love for my Father who promises that He’ll never let me go in any situations


    I need $16,600 to be able to finish my whole 9 months and I know that my Father already has the people who will help me reach this goal in mind. So if you are interested in partnering with me on my journey around the world this upcoming year there are a couple things you can do!

1) Is subscribe to my blog! This is where I will be posting updates on my adventures pre-race, on-race, and post-race. Just hit the subscribe button and you’ll get an email everytime I post a new blog! So cool!

2) Prayerfully support me! I need all the prayer I can get! Be praying for me as a person and the amazing growth that I am about to experience in the next year or so. Be praying for my team as they begin to prepare for this amazing adventure as well. Be praying for God to supply! I know that He will bring me all that I need, but prayer never hurt anything.

3) Financially support me! This is an expensive endeavor that takes lots of support. If you feel God pulling you in the direction of partnering with me then you can hit the little donate button up at the top on the screen and it will bring you straight to a page where you can donate!


   Thank you so much for even taking the time out of your day to read this and please continue to pray for me in all the things coming up in the near future!

Much Love, Nathan!