This month the Lord gave. I mean He always gives, but this month really gave! I mean not only financially for my trip, but also in breakthrough, identity, wonders, encounters, everything! He just wanted to give and I didn’t know why, but before I could even ask he answered me.


“I give so you can have more of a reason to give back. I want to give, your my son! But I also delight heavily in your worship. I give so you can receive and give back.”


   His voice was soft. He wanted to give I never asked Him to. Some people would say that I’m going through a “prosperity season,” but I don’t think so.


   I think I’m just learning to live with Him more and more. I’m just learning His nature and watching how he gives. His generosity pushes me to be more generous. I’m just a son watching my Father to learn how to live.


   Really Papa showed me Kingdom qualities. How to live a life that is reflective of the Kingdom of Heaven. How to be love in all situations and how to chose love in all circumstances. He’s so much better than my brokenness.


   Papa invited me to climb the mountain this next month and how to really run a race (Psalm 24:3). He’s showing me how to be truly His and sometimes it’s super messy, but its my privilege to make mistakes. He’s so gracious to our mistakes.


   If you want to keep up with my life pre, on, and post race press the little subscribe button up there and you’ll get an email notification right when I post a new blog.


   Also if you feel the Lord leading you to support me financially you can press the donate button up there and it will send you straight to a page where you can donate!


   Thank you so so much for reading and I’m praying that this blog encourages you in your walk with the Lord and helps you see a little into whats going on in my life.