Habakkuk 1:5 – Look at the
nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something
in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.
Howdy and pleased to meet you!
We are the Chances! We were married on October 24th, 2009 and have been totally loving married life. Our prayer for our marriage and our lives is that they will glorify our Lord, that our relationship and the relationships we have with others will bring praise to His name, and that everything in our lives would point to the beauty of the freedom and redemption we have in Jesus. We love to be outdoors and enjoy God’s insanely beautiful creation. Yes, we like to climb on rocks. A little disc golf never hurt anybody either (except for when Carrie pegged one of our friends in the back of the head with a disc). We also really like to get down to some live music. We like to each cheeses, grow vegetables in pots, stare at each other for prolonged periods of time, ride bicycles, eat ice cream, pull hairs off of each other’s backs, practice our tennis, ping pong, baseball, hula hooping, dart throwing, flying, waveboarding, juggling, and slalom skiing skills by playing the wii and then telling ourselves that we just exercised enough to not really go exercise. Here’s a few more diddlies about each of us:
The Missus
First of all, my real name is
Corinne, but I have always gone by Carrie. I am very fortunate to have
grown up alongside with my two older brothers in a loving Christian home. My
parents have always been a great example to us in how to live our lives
following Christ and in how a marriage should honor our Lord. I accepted Christ
at the age of 10 but really grew in my faith and walk when I was in high school
and college. I went on my first overseas mission trip to Brazil when I was in
middle school. Through my experiences with different mission trips the Lord has
really given me a love and a passion for other cultures and people. I have the
best husband, family, and friends in the world. I graduated with a degree in
Psychology and would love to get into Christian Counseling one day,
specifically counseling teens. I am super excited to start this new journey in
life with Nathan and I can’t wait to see what all the Lord is going to do in
these 11 months!
Fun Facts About Carrie:
// I like to knit though I am
just learning and not very good at it yet // I like crafty things in general
// I have a deep love for cereal, Cinnamon Toast Crunch being at the top
of the list // Lake or beach, I really like to be on the water // Nathan is the
only person I have been in love with // Shopping with my mom and/or
friends is wonderful therapy for any problem I might encounter // I secretly
really want to be a wedding planner // I used to be fluent in Spanish, but due
to lack of usage the past couple of years, that is slowly dying // All of the
seasons of Saved by the Bell including The College Years and Zack and Kelly’s
Wedding are in my movie cabinet // I have very vivid dreams. It will be
interesting to see how the malaria medication effects that//
The Old Man
I am married to the most
beautiful and captivating woman there is in our macrocosm (even though I doubt
any other universe out there houses anyone more awesome). I currently
reside with my bride in the grand ole’ city of Clarksville, TN, though I hail
from Chattanooga (of which I will now refer to as Chattaboogie, or the Boogie
for short). I have lived in Tennessee all my life and have loved every
minute of it. Born in Knoxville, I relocated to the Boogie at a young age
and really did all of my growing up there (ie. The Boogie is where I became a
man with a beard and chest hair and stuff). Can I make an
interjection here and say that I just watched the scene in Avatar where Jake
makes his connection with his ikran, huge. Anyways I grew up in the
Boogie, fell in love with the Boogie, went to college away from the Boogie, met
the most wonderfully awesome woman I could have ever fathomed, asked her to
marry me, and she actually said yes (he went to Jared’s). I graduated
from Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN in the spring of ’09
with a bachelor’s in Psychology, then got hitched last October. If
there’s anything you ever remember about me, I hope that it is that I am a
sinner turned saint and child of God and that I have been rescued and redeemed
by the blood of Christ, and that absolutely not of my own accord, not of
anything I have ever done, but by the mercy and gift of our God. I can’t
wait to experience God in a way I never have and just like my baby girl said, I
can’t wait to start the next part of our journey in Christ together.
Fun Facts About Nathan:
// I love to play chess // I
thoroughly enjoy Kevin Costner and his movies (yes, this includes Waterworld)
// I went bouldering for the first time back in high school and absolutely fell
in love with climbing around on rocks. I simply cannot imagine traveling
the world without a pair of climbing shoes in my bag, and although I honestly
don’t expect to use them, you can bet your left whisker I will be bringing a
pair // I am creative but not really // My favorite candy by a long shot is
Skittles (the red bag) // I really want to play in a legitimate drum
circle. I am hoping the Race provides this opportunity // I love
Disney Movies (the Lion King is only the third best movie ever made, ever) and
I often cantillate songs from them, which I am certain you will hear at some
point on our journey // I often find myself looking up words on thesaurus.com
(the above word ‘cantillate’ would be a good product of one of these searches)
// I tend to overuse parentheses // I came in second place in my third grade
spelling bee, and being favored to win the following year I went out first
round when I spelled ‘admission’: a-d-m-i-t-i-o-n. And my Scripps
dreams went out the window, the admition window//
The Chances:
We made our relationship official
on Facebook April 6th in the Year of Our Lord 2008 after meeting for the first
time one month earlier. We were engaged 8 months later on December 18th
of the same year and married in October of ’09. Our hope and prayer for
our marriage is that our relationship would truly model Christ’s love for His
people. We are extremely excited about the Race and the opportunity to
serve our God and grow even closer to one another in the process. We
expect to encounter God in ways we never have and for Him to teach us things we
have never learned.
A Few Diddlies About Us:
// We like to hold hands // We
live upstairs in a funeral home that just happens to be a 110 year old
plantation house // We often find ourselves in tickle fights // We love to be
outdoors and rather enjoy some pebble wrestlin’ (that’s rock climbing fer ye
feeble-minded) // Dancin’ a lil’ jig to some live music is always much better than
listening to an IPOD (although we fully expect our IPOD to save our sanity) //
Though we probably aren’t the best chefs this side of the Mississippi, we
really like to cook and there is just something magical about gathering around
the kitchen table for dinner // Our one year anniversary falls on the last day
of our training camp // We really like to travel even though we really haven’t
strayed too far from home since we have been married // We both grew up in
Tennessee and currently live 45 minutes from the country music capital of the
world // WE DESPISE COUNTRY MUSIC. UGGGHH // Photography is an interest
to both of us. We bought a book to teach us how to take better
pictures. We never read it. You can imagine the results // Ice
cream (really sweets in general) are our Achilles’ heel // We are one of the
many couples that attempted p90x for about 5 weeks, almost died, and then quit exercising for
the next 3 months // We really want to go to Disney World together before we
have kids! // We have a garden on our roof, but caterpillars seem to be
enjoying it more than we are // Though our southern accents aren’t overbearing,
you will probably hear us say ‘ya’ll’ quite a bit//
We are so
excited about the Race and can’t wait to meet all of you!!!
Love and
& Carrie
nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something
in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.
Corinne, but I have always gone by Carrie. I am very fortunate to have
grown up alongside with my two older brothers in a loving Christian home. My
parents have always been a great example to us in how to live our lives
following Christ and in how a marriage should honor our Lord. I accepted Christ
at the age of 10 but really grew in my faith and walk when I was in high school
and college. I went on my first overseas mission trip to Brazil when I was in
middle school. Through my experiences with different mission trips the Lord has
really given me a love and a passion for other cultures and people. I have the
best husband, family, and friends in the world. I graduated with a degree in
Psychology and would love to get into Christian Counseling one day,
specifically counseling teens. I am super excited to start this new journey in
life with Nathan and I can’t wait to see what all the Lord is going to do in
these 11 months!
just learning and not very good at it yet // I like crafty things in general
// I have a deep love for cereal, Cinnamon Toast Crunch being at the top
of the list // Lake or beach, I really like to be on the water // Nathan is the
only person I have been in love with // Shopping with my mom and/or
friends is wonderful therapy for any problem I might encounter // I secretly
really want to be a wedding planner // I used to be fluent in Spanish, but due
to lack of usage the past couple of years, that is slowly dying // All of the
seasons of Saved by the Bell including The College Years and Zack and Kelly’s
Wedding are in my movie cabinet // I have very vivid dreams. It will be
interesting to see how the malaria medication effects that//
beautiful and captivating woman there is in our macrocosm (even though I doubt
any other universe out there houses anyone more awesome). I currently
reside with my bride in the grand ole’ city of Clarksville, TN, though I hail
from Chattanooga (of which I will now refer to as Chattaboogie, or the Boogie
for short). I have lived in Tennessee all my life and have loved every
minute of it. Born in Knoxville, I relocated to the Boogie at a young age
and really did all of my growing up there (ie. The Boogie is where I became a
man with a beard and chest hair and stuff). Can I make an
interjection here and say that I just watched the scene in Avatar where Jake
makes his connection with his ikran, huge. Anyways I grew up in the
Boogie, fell in love with the Boogie, went to college away from the Boogie, met
the most wonderfully awesome woman I could have ever fathomed, asked her to
marry me, and she actually said yes (he went to Jared’s). I graduated
from Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN in the spring of ’09
with a bachelor’s in Psychology, then got hitched last October. If
there’s anything you ever remember about me, I hope that it is that I am a
sinner turned saint and child of God and that I have been rescued and redeemed
by the blood of Christ, and that absolutely not of my own accord, not of
anything I have ever done, but by the mercy and gift of our God. I can’t
wait to experience God in a way I never have and just like my baby girl said, I
can’t wait to start the next part of our journey in Christ together.
thoroughly enjoy Kevin Costner and his movies (yes, this includes Waterworld)
// I went bouldering for the first time back in high school and absolutely fell
in love with climbing around on rocks. I simply cannot imagine traveling
the world without a pair of climbing shoes in my bag, and although I honestly
don’t expect to use them, you can bet your left whisker I will be bringing a
pair // I am creative but not really // My favorite candy by a long shot is
Skittles (the red bag) // I really want to play in a legitimate drum
circle. I am hoping the Race provides this opportunity // I love
Disney Movies (the Lion King is only the third best movie ever made, ever) and
I often cantillate songs from them, which I am certain you will hear at some
point on our journey // I often find myself looking up words on thesaurus.com
(the above word ‘cantillate’ would be a good product of one of these searches)
// I tend to overuse parentheses // I came in second place in my third grade
spelling bee, and being favored to win the following year I went out first
round when I spelled ‘admission’: a-d-m-i-t-i-o-n. And my Scripps
dreams went out the window, the admition window//
on Facebook April 6th in the Year of Our Lord 2008 after meeting for the first
time one month earlier. We were engaged 8 months later on December 18th
of the same year and married in October of ’09. Our hope and prayer for
our marriage is that our relationship would truly model Christ’s love for His
people. We are extremely excited about the Race and the opportunity to
serve our God and grow even closer to one another in the process. We
expect to encounter God in ways we never have and for Him to teach us things we
have never learned.
live upstairs in a funeral home that just happens to be a 110 year old
plantation house // We often find ourselves in tickle fights // We love to be
outdoors and rather enjoy some pebble wrestlin’ (that’s rock climbing fer ye
feeble-minded) // Dancin’ a lil’ jig to some live music is always much better than
listening to an IPOD (although we fully expect our IPOD to save our sanity) //
Though we probably aren’t the best chefs this side of the Mississippi, we
really like to cook and there is just something magical about gathering around
the kitchen table for dinner // Our one year anniversary falls on the last day
of our training camp // We really like to travel even though we really haven’t
strayed too far from home since we have been married // We both grew up in
Tennessee and currently live 45 minutes from the country music capital of the
world // WE DESPISE COUNTRY MUSIC. UGGGHH // Photography is an interest
to both of us. We bought a book to teach us how to take better
pictures. We never read it. You can imagine the results // Ice
cream (really sweets in general) are our Achilles’ heel // We are one of the
many couples that attempted p90x for about 5 weeks, almost died, and then quit exercising for
the next 3 months // We really want to go to Disney World together before we
have kids! // We have a garden on our roof, but caterpillars seem to be
enjoying it more than we are // Though our southern accents aren’t overbearing,
you will probably hear us say ‘ya’ll’ quite a bit//
excited about the Race and can’t wait to meet all of you!!!
& Carrie