I am not writing this blog
so that I don’t have to answer your questions when I see you.
Or as a replacement for any conversations
when I get home.
I am writing it for two reasons though:
1) For those of you that I do get to talk to – it will allow us to by-pass the obvious questions and move on to the deeper and more interesting stuff.
And more importantly, I won’t have to repeat myself a billion times!
2) For those of you who paths I will not cross with – it will hopefully help answer some questions you might have for me.
Let the questions begin! (Special Note: These are questions I came up with that I anticipate people asking)

Well, my favorite countries of the year were Mozambique and Thailand. Mozambique because it was pure Africa, had a beautiful coastline and because of Mama Rita and her amazing orphans.
Then Thailand because it was diverse geographically. I experienced a beautiful island, a big city and stayed in a rural farming area in my time there. The people were great, I loved the food and you can get 1-hour Thai massages for 5 dollars! Plus, I got to help build a church while I was there.

Let me say first of all, that the World Race should not be done with only one guy on a team. I don’t say that with any disrespect to the girls on my team because they were amazing but it’s the truth of the matter.
It was definitely one of the hardest things I have ever been through. There were times in Africa where I felt so lonely and attacked. And my heart longed for a brother to go through this year with.
I still don’t know why the Lord designed the year the way He did for me but I am at peace with how He decided to do things.
As for lessons, I only have space to give one. (The rest I can give when we talk) One thing I learned was that no matter how strong, independent and in love with Jesus a girl is, there are still things that she needs that only the men in her life can provide.

What were the most beautiful things you saw this year?
I’ll limit my answer to nature stuff because there are a lot of beautiful moments this year! The sunsets on the Amazon River in Peru. The Andes Mountain range in Bolivia. The African sunrises, sunsets and stars at night. Table Mountain and Cape Point in Cape Town, South Africa.

That is tough one to explain. But I would say the hardest thing is the complete brokenness and stripping of identity. That term complete brokenness probably doesn’t mean much unless you have experienced it yourself.
And I can say for sure that I had not before this year. But what it feels like definitely defies words.
The Race brought about an environment and time in my life where everything I had ever known was stripped away. Not only my comforts and entitlements but also all the parts of my personality, identity and validations.
Obviously my family and friends. But that wasn’t too bad because I had spent so much time away in my fours years in College.
I missed things like American food. Like a good bacon cheeseburger or normal milk with a bowl of cereal. I missed being able to just talk with anyone and not have to worry about a language barrier.
There really is so much I could say about this one. But I will limit it to one thing and keep it short for blog purposes. (I can say more when we talk!)
Community is a mirror. Real, deep, intimate community is a mirror. It reflects back to you who you really are.
Sometimes you get an abundance of encouragement. And other times you catch your reflection in the mirror of community and can’t believe how ugly parts of you still are.
You sit there looking at your reflection thinking, “Am I really that ugly? Wow.”
Community when it is lived out properly will sanctify previously unreached parts of you.
Oh my goodness! This is one is going to have to be a face-to-face talk for sure. Your going to have see my facial expressions while I explain what He has taught me.
I will say this though.
God is beyond anything I could ever imagine.
Jesus is more loving then I could ever fathom.
The Holy Spirit gives more power then I will ever know.
And the Kingdom of God is worth every ounce of my life.