Words Fall Short.
In every summary of the World Race that I have ever read, I find the person struggling to put into words what they just experienced this past year. 
I have been putting off writing this blog because I feel inadequate to try to sum up what  I have been through.
Because to be honest, whatever I write…..
Words Will Still Fall Short.
I wrote this in my Support Letter over a year ago:
To be quite
honest, I am scared and excited at the same time. This trip is going to stretch
and break me in ways I can’t imagine. I know it will be an invaluable
experience that will prepare me for the rest of my life. I feel like this set
apart year will help me become the lover of God and people that I was created
to be.
Little did I know what I was writing at the time. 
This year I have seen the poor and victims of injustice around the world. And had my life intertwined with theirs. 
I helped a lady named Daisy break free of demonic oppression. 


I was both challenged and inspired by a strong, joyful African woman named Mama Rita, our blind host Peter and the 22 beautiful kids they take care of.

I began to have my heart broken by the orphans in the HIV ravaged country of Swaziland. 
I reached the end of myself.


I prayed for people and saw them healed. And I have been prayed for and been healed!

I was plunged into the depths of Christian community.
 I wanted brokenness, I got it. I wrote this in my journal after a particularly hard time in India: “I am completely broken right now. I have nothing left. Nothing. My hearts biggest desire is to just throw myself into the arms of Jesus. And just have Him hold me.”

I’ve cried, I’ve danced. I’ve worshiped with believers around the
world. My eyes have seen the beauty of God in creation. I have heard
God tell me how much He loves me. And I have felt His restoring touch
every time I have needed it. I’ve begun to experience the living God.

Words Fall Short.
They fall short of the many lessons I learned this year.
Everything from contentment to hearing the Lord’s voice. I learned about prophecy, healing and tongues. The women on my team taught me a lot about what it means to be a man.
I learned that God is faithful to answer the crazy prayers we pray. 
I learned about myself:
(Our Squads mentors and coaches, Michael and Kathy Hindes with me at final debrief)
That I am a prophet, leader, fire-starter, Beloved and God’s mouthpiece . 
That I must give up my right to be right, my right to be understood and my right to an opinion.
That the danger of my life is that I will be a gifted, passionate person doing a lot for the Kingdom but not being known for my selfless love or servant’s heart. 
But I also learned that God is bigger then the two things mentioned above and will break me and change me.
And I know I must stay humble and take the long path in ministry. 
My capacity to love is way deeper.
Still,there is only one word that has a chance of summing up this year.
And that word is:
I have found something that is worthy of my life.
I have found something that is the answer to all the deepest longings of my heart and soul.
Something that has meaning to the poor. distraught. hurting. sex-traficked. orphan. widow. And all the other victims of injustice I saw this year. 
Something that helps make sense of the world.
Gives me courage to hope. 
Empowers me to act.
And is based on Love and Service.
Jesus proclaimed it at the beginning of His ministry in Matthew 4:17.
I’m talking about:
The Kingdom of God
This whole year, our squad had a phrase, Taken out to be brought in.
As in I was taken out of everything I have ever known (my home, comforts, entitlements, family, friends) to be brought into the fullness of Jesus Christ and a deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God.
And for that I will never forget the year I had on the World Race.
What are you giving your life to?
 One of the many people on the January squad to get this tattooed on their wrist.
(If your really curious….this is Matt Snyder’s wrist!)