Have you ever begged God for something?
And then found yourself complaining when He gave it to you?
tramping adventure. I had begged to be taken out of Egypt and then began
complaining as soon as I was taken through the wilderness.
Tramping wasn’t just a denial of food (Which is a big deal
to me!!!) but a denial of all the comforts I hold dear.
My body full of bug
bites itched constantly.
There was little
opportunity to shower or stay clean.
Alone time was very
hard to come by.
No T.V. and No Internet
(Which means no sports scores or facebook)

Now I love some separation from society as much as the next
guy but I had never done anything this lengthy before.
It was an immediate wake up call to the new reality I live
in now that I am back on the World Race.
It was a tough wakeup call
It’s funny though
I was restless this past year.
My heart cried out for more adventure and brokenness.
And I yearned to be back out doing missions.
And the reality is
If I was home
I would be Well Fed,
Well Entertained, and Comfortable
God is giving me what my heart desires
I need to Remember that and
So, remember God
knows what you really want.
What your heart
really desires.
And He will do
whatever He has to give it to you.
Even if that looks
like being in The Wilderness — Stripped of everything you thought you needed.