Quick Challenge:

Name the man who left his rapidly growing

Evangelistic Crusade ministry to join Billy Graham and support him.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.


Times Up!


Who is he you ask?                                                                                                                                                    

I just read about him three weeks ago and I don’t even remember!


The point of the story isn’t lost though.

This man had a burgeoning, successful ministry.
One that would have not only brought many peopleinto the Kingdom
but also would have also brought him worldwide acclaim
as an evangelist.

He chose to give it up – serve Billy Graham and

The world is forever different because he did.

We don’t know his name but we DO KNOW of the MILLIONS that came

to Christ through Billy Graham’s ministry.

How many countless other people

have played a similar nameless role?


In the last few weeks since being asked to step down

as Team Leader – I have been asking myself:

Would I be willing to do that?


Could I give all my life and abilities to someone else’s vision?

Would I be willing to not be known at all for the Kingdom’s good?

God is showing me I care too much about TITLE.


At my core I want whatever is best for the Kingdom.

I want intimacy with my Savior and to be unflinchingly obedient to His voice.

But in action:

I care a lot about how I look.

What my role is.

And whether I get recognition.

God is actively stripping this away

And breaking my ADDICTION to ME.

He is doing this by actively keeping me out of

Positional Leadership.

And challenging me to lean in and serve

 WHEREVER I am at.

If I can get this Life (And Leadership) Lesson,

In the future:

I will be able to hold TITLE loosely.

Be continually ready to let it go.

And Eager to pass it on.