I know you are salivating to view
those Amazon pics but I wanted to fill y’all in on what I am up to right now.
Last Saturday, March 1st,
the whole World Race crew arrived
back in Iquitos, Peru which is an hour down river from where we were living on
the boat.
So, this past week we all have been
in a local community while partnering with a church there. We are there from 10-6
doing a whole lot of different stuff.
Everyone is involved with our Fiesta con Dios (Vacation Bible School). Some
work with the teenagers. Matt S., Steve and I have been teaching “seminary”
classes for local pastors and bible hungry church goers for 4 hours a day. And most people have been
doing in house visits to the neighbors.
Iquitos is a great town and the
Lord has been blessing our ministry here. I’ll leave a few brief prayer
requests at the end of the blog, so you
can know how to lift us up while we are here. And you can a view a really sweet
video of our current “crib” also.
But first, salivate no more, check out the pics of my week long excursion
on the Amazon.
There it is: The Mighty Amazon River.
I took this one off the front of the
house boat we were staying on. Really no more description is needed………….Just
For you non espanol speakers, the title of the boat is The Good Samaritan. This deluxe casa
housed about 27 world racers, 3 cooks , 2 boat caretakers, 2 translators and
the boat’s owner. If you want to know more about the boat, just take a look at
the video House Boat Living on the Amazon I posted. The kids you see resided at the front of the boat
literally from early morning until we told them to leave at night. They were
big fans of my digital camera and staring at gringos. (A Peruvian term for
white people)
is a closer look at the local kids who loved just sitting at the front of our

So let me explain what you are looking at. This is Cesar
: Officially the coolest kid on the face of the universe. I know you might have
thought that was your kid………….you are wrong. You only speak such foolishness
because you have never met Cesar. This particular day this local 7 year old was
donning a random part of rain jacket on his head and rocking some new jean
overalls. Cesar spends his free time running amok around this small village
climbing random things and grabbing onto the back of moto cars. He pretty much
can’t be contained. Add that onto the fact that he looks like a Peruvian
version of Steve-O and that he looks like a 40 year old in a 7 year olds body
and the title Coolest Kid on the Face of
the Universe is a given.
On a more serious note, I feel like Cesar has it pretty
rough. The local kids seemed to pick on him and I never saw his Parents.
Be praying for God’s work in this kid’s life. That he would
know he is loved and cherished by the God of the Universe.
These two pictures represent a good part of my ministry in
Nauta. These are the local youth of the church we were working with.
They are some great kids. Very hungry to grow and learn more
about Jesus Christ. Which is all the more incredible considering that up to
half of the youth in Nauta are involved in wegee boards and have made a pact of
sort with satan.
We went over as much as we could in the 10 days we were
there. Spiritual warfare, identity, guy-girl issues, listening prayer and the
love of Christ. Along with doing a community wide evangelism event in which at
least two youth gave their life to Christ…….we had an amazing time with these young
men and women.
Please pray they continue to discover in deeper
ways the love of Christ. Pray that they have boldness to reach out to the other
youth of the city. And pray they would walk in the joy that Christ gives.
We had a rocking Fiesta con Dios (VBS) in Nauta. These are
the kids singing along with our amazing Peruvian song leader Stephanie. We went
through each color of the salvation bracelet with them and on the last day gave
them one to wear. I was in charge of games which usually amounted to lining the
kids up and chucking balls at their head. (They loved it!!!)
The view from a water tower in Nauta.
Pray against all the sickness breaking out.
Pray for God to take truth deep into the heart of the little kids we work with.
Pray for the teenagers to grow deeper in their walk with God.
Pray for the Lord to make me a better servant and lover.
Iquitos, Peru! from Rachel Hunt on Vimeo.
Iquitos, Peru Cribs from Rachel Hunt on Vimeo.