about the Kingdom? Or is it about you? Go my Beloved.”
This is what I
heard God say to me. I had just finished having a conversation with the
leadership of the World Race about my future involvement. For the past 3
months, I had my heart set on being the overall leader of the squad ( 40-50
people with a 3-4 month commitment) They told me they did not think I was ready
and instead offered me an opportunity to go back out again for 11 months and be
a team leader (5-6 people).
The next couple
days, I wrestled with God as my mind raced with thoughts and my heart swirled
with emotions. I would have to be crazy to go back out again for a full 11
months. As I went to bed a few nights later, I heard God say to me those
fateful words above, “Is it about the Kingdom? Or is it about you? Go my Beloved.” Even though I spent the next two days trying to rationalize my way out
of it, I knew what God had said to me and I knew what He was asking me to do.
He was asking me to lay down my pride, my plans and control of my life and live
by His voice.
So, in January
2010 I will be going back out for another World Race journey. Am I scared?
You bet I am but excited at the same time. I have the feelings someone only has
when they are overwhelmed by what lies ahead of them and yet know they are
doing what God wants. I know it is in my heart to go back out.
things I have been praying for God to do in my life. I have been told I need to
take the long path in ministry and develop my character. I have prayed for
humility and the heart of King David. I have asked God to take me down the path
of love and service instead of being known for my gifting and to use all of my
life for His kingdom. The God that answers
all of our prayers is doing all those things through this process.
of all, let me thank you again for supporting me on my last World Race journey. I will never forget
all the generous gifts that poured in that allowed me to have that experience.
You have already been a huge blessing to me!
am asking you to consider partnering with me again. I have the opportunity to
go through a year of radical discipleship and deep community, to play with
orphans and help widows around the world. As a returning participant, I will be
able to offer solid support, encouragement and prayer to the 40-50 first time
participants of the World Race.

of this is possible without YOU as my partners in ministry. I will again
need to raise 13,800 dollars for the year. Last year I had gifts ranging
from 5 dollars to 1,500 dollars. Money came in from teenagers, friends, family,
strangers and even an 85 year old lady living on a pension! To be honest, I was
truly grateful for every single one of my supporters.
point is: give a little, give a lot. It doesn’t matter! Just give in your heart
what you feel led to give. I’m confident God will provide and I hope it can be
through you! No matter what, please take time to pray for me both as I prepare
and throughout next year. Your prayers made a huge difference last year and I
know they will again.
a great way to partner in this ministry. It can be set up easily online and then
money is taken out every month at a date you select. It not only allows you an
opportunity to give more then you are able to in a one-time gift but it is
great for budgeting as well. Most importantly, it leads to a different level of
partnering then a one-time gift because of the involvement on a monthly basis.
I have a few ministries I do it with and I highly recommend it!
I will try to contact each one of you personally to catch up and answer any
questions you might have. I strongly
encourage you to do the same-I would love to hear from you. If
you know of anyone else that might be interested in supporting me, please share
this information with them. Thanks again for your time. I love and appreciate
each one of you!
Australia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Uganda, Kenya, (Another African
country TBD), Romania, Ukraine and another Eastern European country TBD.