New Zealand
Everyone who watched the Lord of the Rings is captivated by New
Zealand’s beauty. In the midst of a paralyzing atheistic culture, the
Maori people are still experiencing revival like never before.
Ministries and outreaches from those burdened for this island nation
are contributing to the reclaiming of this people group for the cause
of Christ. The World Race is headed to New Zealand to speak truth and
reap a harvest to the glory of God.


From the Sydney Opera House to the Aboriginal Tribes of the Australian
Outback, World Race will seek to partner with ministries, churches and
missionaries who are spreading the hope of Christ to the rich and poor
alike. While Australia boasts a more westernized culture, the
marginalized, impoverished, destitute and lost still exist and live
each moment for the hope of hearing the good news.


Enter into Malaysia and walk into a world entrenched in Islam. Although
Malaysia is home to one of the most thriving metropolises in the world,
the people of this nation still live life with little to no knowledge
of the gospel. It’s a world much like our own, but much different in
the spirit. Delve into this culture of works-based religion, strong
self-discipline, and uncanny faith, while delivering hope and pointing
the people to their Redeemer.


With nearly two million people estimated to be stuck inside of
prostitution in Thailand, it has become one of the most popular places
for sex tourism. Change lives in the city and rock worlds in the
countryside. Thailand’s sure to capture your heart.


28 years ago, Cambodia experienced one of the most gruesome genocides
known to man where over one third of the country’s population was
slaughtered. Still in recovery from their past, the people of Cambodia
are thirsty for hope.


Who hasn’t heard of Kenya in their lifetime? The Kenyan people are
colorful, musical, artistic and hungry for the love of Christ. The
Masai bush, the Nairobi metropolis, the Kiberra slums…comprise a
country diverse yet unified in history. As a new era dawns in Kenya, so
does the Gospel of truth and faith. By meeting felt needs in the bush
and the city, the World Race produces lasting fruit and lasting
ministries to carry on even after we leave.


From the Ugandan islands to the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, the African
people of these nations share a common bond. Through the wild lands,
home to Africa’s “Big Five” animals coexist people, reached and
unreached with the Gospel of Christ. Through evangelism, church
planting and discipleship, we will be a part of a movement to further
the kingdom of God in this incredible region of the world.

Africa ATL

Twice during your World Race experience, your team will take a month to
ATL (ask the Lord) for a new mission field. He may lead you someplace
in the middle of a buzzing city or somewhere that can’t even be found
on a map. Either way, it’s a time of listening to the Lord’s voice and
following him with true abandon.


The northern regions of Romania are home to the gypsy people. Though
strangers in their homeland and forgotten by society, the gypsies are a
strong and vibrant people who embrace the light of Christ in an
inspirational way. Here you’ll teach English, lead sports camps, live
life with the gypsies, and more.


Caught between
its past oppression under the USSR communist regime and the desire to
be accepted by Western society, Ukraine is a land of many ups and
downs. Thankfully, there’s hope, light, and life spreading like
wildfire throughout this nation. Is it the kingdom of God coming in power? We think so.

Eastern Europe ATL

Ask God where to go and do what He tells you. It’ll be one of the most
adventurous and memorable months of ministry that you’ll have on the
Race. Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Croatia, Germany, Greece… God could
lead you anywhere in Europe to unveil His kingdom. Are you willing to
abandon your last month on the Race to Him?

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