I wake up slowly and
rub my eyes as I sit up inside my tent.
I look out the side
And this is what I
Need a shower here?
Nah……..just take one
during a cool rainstorm.
Then kick back
and take in another
beautiful sunset.
Do you have that place?
You know the place where your soul
feels at peace.
Where your heart
takes a big breath in and as you
Everything just feels
It has felt like a dream
being back here.
A lot of great lessons. And the same awesome Thai family I remembered.
What have we been doing here?
Well…….A Lot.
We built a path around the property to help
during the rainy season.
We made and laid down
A WHOLE lot of concrete.
For a future YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Discipleship Training School.
Which is a huge part of the financial future here.
We even herded cows!
And before you escape
back to internet world.
You have a chance to
your computer chair.
Lift up a quick prayer for:
Pastor Arun and his wife
Pang. And Pang’s parents Ma and Pa.?
They work so hard here.
They are the representation of Christ in this community.
Pray for:
in evangelism
and energy to serve and work
and intimacy in their own relationship with each other and God.
Your support made this happen!
So thank you for all your prayers and financial support……